20 October 2005
The funny you didn't wanna miss!
First off.. sorry! I really didn't mean to leave ya'll hangin this long!! My day kinda got crazy after I'd left that last post, but here ya go...

This was June of this year, which would have made my darling youngest daughter a year and nine months old. It was a day like every other, and I was running between the laundry room, and the rest of the house doing my daily routine. Rach was, for the most part, right on my heels the whole way wanting to "help" with all I did. This went on for the better part of the day. She had her afternoon nap with no problem (strange in itself!), I got her up, and we continued cleaning around the house, and doing laundry... with her still right on my heels helping. There was, of course, the occasional "breaks" that she would take in the family room when she passed by the TV and seen something "interesting" on, which was normally a commerical of all things (I think she just likes all the music they have in commercials). So when she wasn't in the laundry room with me "helping", I didn't think much of it... UNTIL...

I walked out of the laundry room into the family room, no Rach. Called her name, nothing! Not in the kitchen, not the bedroom with her toys, still not answering my calls for her! Ok, now I'm starting to panic! WTH could she have gone?! Went to go back into the bedroom, walking passed the half bath.. and that is when I found this!

Notice in the picture on the left, her look of surprise to see me! LOL Then notice in the picture on the right her look of satisfaction that she's doing such a fantabulous job! All she said to me was "Look, Momma! I'm making pretty!", over and over again, with that cheesy grin that you see in that second picture! Life just doesn't get any better than getting pictures of your child using toilet water (and yes! I had just cleaned it!) to "style their hair" to use at a later time in their life! LOL

posted by Melis at 11:57 PM | Permalink |


  • At Friday, October 21, 2005 9:47:00 AM, Blogger momma of 2

    ROTFLMAO.... Love it. I am sure you are saving these pictures for her, oh I don't know - prom night, wedding day or the day she brings over pictures of her own little princess doing the same thing! The poor child. Reading the silly things other people's kids do makes me realize we are "normal"...lol

  • At Friday, October 21, 2005 10:41:00 AM, Blogger eyes_only4him

    oh that is too funny, in a sick kinda way..

    i once found baby spawn brushing her teeth with her borthers toothbrush usning toilet water...yum yum:)

  • At Friday, October 21, 2005 1:26:00 PM, Blogger Melis

    Momma - Ummmm.... can I choose "all of the above"?! LOL I think those moments puts life into perspective for all us stuffy grown ups that forget to stop and smell the roses! :)

    Christina - Errrrr... "It's" (what do I call you now? lol) I agree, "in a sick kinda way"! I'm just glad that I had JUST cleaned the thing a few hours before! Otherwise... It woulda REALLY grossed me out! LOL