29 November 2005
I know that I've been MIA for a day or two... Ok! Ok! So maybe more like 5 days!!! LOL But I've got a good excuse... Ok! OK!!!! So maybe I don't have a good excuse either! But it was T day, and since then I've just been hanging out enjoying my time with my hubby home from work for a change. So there! Things should be getting back to normal asap now.

I hope that everyone had a fantabulous Thanksgiving, and was able to reflect on their lives and see how many, many things there are to be thankful for! I know that I did, and WHEW! There's really tons when you step away from the day to day happenings of life and take the time to see them!

I'm really getting excited for Christmas this year..(the first time in about 6 years!) cuz for once I won't have to see & hear my kids tell me how it's ok that they don't get a lot for Christmas and how they understand. I think that Christmas will be a good one for us this year... YIPPIE! Please don't think that I'm ALL commercial... but when you hear words like that come out of a 5-6 year old child for a few years in a row, it's really, really nice to be able to afford to give them a nice Christmas. I'm really not a materialistic person, nor are my kids (as you can probably tell by their comments when they quite suddenly didn't get things at ALL for Christmas).

Well... enough of my rambling on! LOL I'm glad to be back! And I'm loving reading everyone's blogs! Each of you put a smile on my face with your posts. Thank you for allowing me into your lives! :)

posted by Melis at 12:49 AM | Permalink |


  • At Tuesday, November 29, 2005 10:03:00 AM, Blogger eyes_only4him

    I was missing you!!

    I have my shoppin alomst done, I am not buying a lot ..and not buying many toys...between the grndparents..they get load!!

    I am buying pesonalized gifts this year for the kids..now that is hard!!

    anyhoo, i just wrote a post i think u will get a good chuckle at..LOL

  • At Tuesday, November 29, 2005 12:35:00 PM, Blogger Melis

    I won't have mine done until we get some more money... but that's coming! lol

    Personalized?? Uggg! I don't think I could find anything, ever with lil one's name on it! Good luck there, chicky!

    And you're still on my list for forcing me to read that post! LOL

  • At Tuesday, November 29, 2005 9:08:00 PM, Blogger Mandi

    I too missed reading your dailyness ;) I love your scrapbook pages by the way. Speaking as someone who has absoluetly no creative anything....awesome!

  • At Tuesday, November 29, 2005 10:41:00 PM, Blogger eyes_only4him

    u know u loved it melis:-)

  • At Tuesday, November 29, 2005 11:23:00 PM, Blogger Melis

    Mandi - Thanks girly! I missed being around here as well! And thanks for the compliments of my album pages!! I'm just loving doing them!

    Christina - I'll never admit to that... and you can't make me! LOL