22 November 2005
Into something new....
I've always thought scrapbooking was the coolest thing, but never had the time, money, or patience for it! LOL Then I stumbled across something last nite that's just the coolest thing!!! Digital Scrapbooking! And ya'll know how much I'm addicted to making graphics! Yes! I'm hooked! LOL They have websights that you can buy page kits from, just like regular scrapbooking, or if you know enough about say PSP (like me), you can just do your own thing!

I decided that I will start working on making digital scrapbooks for each of my kids. As I get pages done, I'll be sure to share 'em with ya'll! :) Since the only newborn picture I already had on the computer, I made my first page out of the lil one's newborn picture. Here it is....

posted by Melis at 11:42 AM | Permalink |