17 November 2005
Christmas in.....
November?? Ummmm yes! That's exactly what we had today! LOL I did find the things that I was looking for yesterday, today. And when my soon to be 13 yo came home from school and realized that somewhere in this house was her "big gift" from this year she thought and thought until she came up with a real good line for someone, anyone (which was hubby, LOL), to buy so that she could have it now. This is how it went...

Her: I know that Mom got a gift for all of us today.

Hubby: Yeah... and....??

Her: Well.. I was just thinking... I know how much you'd LOVE to have that Palm that Mom got for you now, instead of waiting another month for it...

**see the reverse sych she's using? Oh yeah! Got it from her Momma! LOL**

Hubby: Well, yeah, what about it?

Her: Why don't we all just have our "big gifts" today? Or give everyone the same opportunity to choose if they want it today, or to wait! That would be fair, wouldn't it?!

Hubby: (obviously drooling at the thought of holding that Palm in his very own hands)Well yeah... I think that would be a fair thing to do.

Her: COOL!!! **insert proud grin here** Then I'll go tell Mom that you said it was a good idea, and that we're going to do that!

So... we had part of our Christmas in November! LOL I'm not really complaining too awful much, cuz.... **drum roll** I GOT MY DIGI!!!!! Yippie!! I real camera to take pictures with! Watch out kids... Momma's armed with a digi!!!! LOL

And the kids got their DS's (special addition with the Nintendogs). Which I must admit, is pretty damn cool from what I've seen of it. I'm almost a tinge jealous! LOL But not enough to trade in my digi! **big fat grin**

So there ya have it... the excitement of the day, or probably month, until Christmas rolls around! LOL

posted by Melis at 11:34 PM | Permalink |


  • At Friday, November 18, 2005 2:28:00 PM, Blogger Mandi

    That is so like me! I can hardly wait for everyone to open their presents...I always cave and let my husband open one early!!!

  • At Friday, November 18, 2005 6:59:00 PM, Blogger eyes_only4him

    ok, i am not wanting Christmas in DEC.

    I swear it only seems like a few months have went by since I had to put all the decorations away..

    I hate Christmas shopping..I never know what to buy anyone..

    But I can be showered with many gifts, that part is ok:-)