27 August 2005
Relationship woes
No...not mine, personally! There just seems to be a ton of people around me that are just having all sorts of problems. Don't get me wrong! I'm more than glad that it's not me. It's just got me baffled. There are like 3 couples that I know of right this minute that are having problems, and it's all things that could be easily fixed. Things that just need to be compromised on, and worked through as a couple. I've told this to each of them in so many words, but they're just not seeming to get it.

My "ex brother and sister in law" (don't know what else to call them, really) have been going through marital issues of "another woman" for damn near two years now I guess, and I really think that they just both need to decide to pull it together or move on. I've seen from a distance what it's doing to not only them, but their three kids, and it's just not pretty!

Then hubby and I got a call from one of our closest friends a couple days ago telling us that they're pregnant. They seemed thrilled about it over the phone, and as if nothing could be more "right" in their world. They told us that they were going to postpone their wedding plans, and focus more on the baby right now (which I thought in their case was a smart move). Then I get a call from him tonite, all kinds of distraught, telling me that right then at that very moment, he didn't even want to be with her. I tried to explain to him that hormones, ect. are probably having a heavy play into her reactions/feelings with things, but that didn't seem to matter much. I hate it that they're having problems! Especially since there is a child invovled now!

Then there's another couple that just can't seem to get on the same page with eachother, that are planning on getting married in less than a year. That one really scares me! They are complete opposites (not saying that it doesn't work sometimes), and I just don't see them actually staying together if they continue on the path that they are. I really hope that they decide to wait on the whole wedding thing for awhile, and see where their relationship takes them first.

But on the flip side of all that drama... hubby and I couldn't be better!! I really feel that couples need to in what they have, and be thankful! I'm not saying that we don't have our "spats" and such, but we're always "fair" when we have them. We don't attack eachother, or drudge up the past and throw it in eachother face. We always never go to bed upset about things, they're always worked out, and we never walk away and "call it quits" in the middle of something like that. I think that communication in a relationship is one of the most important, useful tools that a couple has!

I feel so content in my life right now. Like everything is "in it's place", where it should be.. where it was meant to be! And that is one of the most incredible feelings in the world! I've learned to be thankful for all the things that I have, not material things, but the love, friendships, and relationships that I have in my life. Those are the important things in life... the things that noone can take away, and you can never replace!

posted by Melis at 2:09 AM | Permalink |


  • At Tuesday, August 30, 2005 10:09:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous

    Okay Melis.....maybe it is guilt or something, but uhhhhh....this last couple wouldn't be me and Mr. Wonderful in Houston, would it? It kind of sounded familiar because of the problems we had recently and I guess I just want to know because your oppinion means a lot to me.
    By the way...I love all of your blogs and your cartoon...and the pictures of your heart and soul....they are great....and they are blessed to have you in their corner. I love you girlie!! Have a fantaberiffic day!!
