12 September 2005
My weekend...

... was pretty uneventful really. My son had his first soccer game of the season, and they KICKED BUTT... 9-4! YAH for him! He just loves soccer! But it was hotter than a goats a$$ in a pepper patch! I'm more than ready for Fall!! And cant' wait to say...

Hubby was gone for his UTA this weekend, and they had the squadran picnic on Saturday that I really wanted to drive down for, but couldn't because of Danny's game. That was a bummer! But him and the guys in his shop kicked butt against the Marines in the tug-o-war... TWICE! OoooooRAH! he he Can't tell him proud of my honey or anything, can ya?! LOL

The rest of the weekend was even more uneventful, we just hung out at the house. The kids doin there thing, and me doing laundry... Yeeeeehawwwww! I had, and still have, a headache from hell! Not quite as bad as it was yesterday, or the day before, but still enough there to drive a person crazy!!

Since I haven't really posted about my daily doings lately... I'll update you on some of the drama aspects of my life. My DH and FIL aren't speaking... again. But this time I just can't bring myself to push him to make that phone call. DH is pissed at him for not calling to wish our daughter a happy birthday, and would have just let it go at callin him and bitchin about it. However, my FIL didn't care to get gripped at about it, felt that a simple "I'm sorry, I forgot" should have been the end of it, and ended up telling my DH that he had to go, and to call him back when he could talk to him about something else. Grrrrrr!! They haven't spoke since that evening, and I don't see them speaking any time soon, either. Which is sad on my FIL's part, because this time he isn't just walking away from his son (as if that isn't bad enough), he's walking away from his son, his daughter in law, and his ONLY three grandkids! Maybe I'm wrong in how I feel, but to me when you say that family means everything to you, you're not just there when it's convenient for you, and you don't just "forget" about birthdays! Especially when it's a childs. I don't want my daughter to get older, look at her baby book and say.... "Hmmmm.... G'pa was here for my first birthday, but his name isn't here even wishing me a happy birthday on these others!?" What kind of message will that send her as far as her importance to him?

Ok... I'll leave ya with those ramblings.....

posted by Melis at 12:40 PM | Permalink |