My morning started at 6:00 (after me not getting to bed until about 2:30). But what do ya do? When the 2 yo princess says it's time to be up, you get up! LOL I was pretty suprised to find that I was feeling pretty good at that point, and was really ready to take on the day. Everyone had breakfast, myself included, and I got the older two kids off to school. That's when my day started to go down hill.
There wasn't one thing that my darling two year old didn't find her way into that she shouldn't have, and I couldn't wait until nap time! I was more than ready for one myself! The clock finally struck 1130, lunch time! Yay! Got Rach's lunch ready, sat down at the table, and eating... almost there! She finishes her lunch, I finish getting the house in somewhat of order, and lay her down. Now, you have to understand that nap time isn't as easy as it use to be, as she likes to wait until she thinks I'm not going to check on her, and strip down to nothing! So I'm checking on her every few minutes... caught her in the act, got her redressed and layed back down. It is at this point that karma bites me... and bites me hard!
I give her a few minutes, check in on her again to make sure that she clothed... and there she is, is all her glory... with poop everywhere! Yes! You read that right! POOP.... EVERYWHERE! She'd painted herself, her bedding, the walls, the bed...everything! I ask myself this question over and over again. I'm beside myself with frustration at this point! Is it too much to ask to grab a quick nap along with her? I get her, and everything else cleaned up, and get her back to bed. It is then that it hits me... the answer to my question "Why Me?!" Karma! Karma is my answer! I've heard the story all too many times, and through ever word of my parents telling the tale of when I, myself, did the very same thing when I was little.
She never did end up taking her nap, even though I really wanted to be !! But that's how the cookie crumbles sometimes, right? As I always tell other people, "Welcome to the world of parenthood!"