29 August 2005
Busy day

I've had a pretty busy day so far. Busy, but good! I cleaned, and rearraged my room last nite, that being prompted by me getting really good deal on a bedding set! I think this is my favorite one that I've ever had! It just really looks nice in the bedroom. I'm quite the "bedding addict"! he he

Then today, I made sure to make my bed this morning right when I got up, cuz it just looks so nice. Got Rach going, then we played/cleaned up the family room a bit (which, of course, you can't tell now that I did anything!) Got myself around, then off to get Chels from school for her orthodontist appointment. That went really well. I was worried about having Rach with me, cuz Chelsea's appointment was a long one today, due to her getting her lower braces on (she also got metal on her tops, instead of the regular rubber band things they use now). But instead of Rach and I staying there while they did that, we ran up to the store, and I picked up a few things there. One of which was a dish rack thingy that you sit in the sink to do your dishes by hand. I've found after all these years of loving my dishwasher, that actually doing them by hand is really relaxing, so I'm excited about getting that too!

When we got home from her appointment, I checked the mail and my PartyLite books from a friend of mine were there! YEAH!! I'm really excited about looking through those, which I'm going to do here in just a minute while Rachelle is napping. Then I'll start on dinner, and do some more of that dreaded laundry! YUK!

I hope ya'll
posted by Melis at 3:35 PM | Permalink |