27 August 2005
Ut oh!
This was just too funny to not share with ya'll! When Jason walked in the door from work this afternoon, "early" again, I could tell by the expression on his face that something was terribly wrong. So I hung up the phone with his Dad, and asked him, "Honey, what's the matter?" The story that unfolded from that point had tears streaming down my face I was laughing so hard!

His reply to me was, "You don't want to know, and I'm not going to tell you! Because you'll just tell me how dumb I am!" Well, with a comment like that I just have to know now! So I continued to badger him about it, until he finally realized that I wasn't going to leave him alone until he told me. So at that point, he tosses me his cell phone, I flip it over and see that the LCD display on the outside is completely toast, and that there is scratches ALL over the front of the phone, but when I open it, everything's just fine there, and it works fine too. So, of course, I ask him again, "Honey, what happened?" He still didn't want to tell me, and I still wanted to know. He did finally break down and tells me.... (now here's "the rest of the story...")

He set his phone up on the roof of his car ( I know you can see where this is going!), set his bag, and cup inside the car, got in, drove off... then realizes that he didn't have his phone, and remembers that he put it on the roof. So he drives back to the parking lot, finds his phone laying there after being ran over by who knows how many vehicles now, and is pissed! I'm, of course just chuckling all over the place by this point, and do also tell him that it's no big deal, the phone still works, bla bla bla.

Well he's just sitting there. Then I realize that he pissed as all get out over a phone that he's been complaining about for weeks now. Hmmmmmm.... ?? So my mind quickly comes up with a whole different theory of what really happened. And I, of course, shared this information with him! he he That he hated the phone so much, that he, himself, layed it on the concrete of the parking lot, ran it over several times to smash it up beyond use, got back out of the car, and realized that all of us efforts to destroy his phone were in vain! And that he wasn't really pissed at what happened to his phone, but that his phone just "wouldn't die"! I know! Aren't I annoying!? I'm just literally in tears laughing at this point, him still sitting there not seeing the humor at all, when another thought pops in my head, and I say... "Just pisses you off don't it, that the damn phone "took a dingin', and kept on ringin"?!" Now come on! THAT was funny!!! He still wasn't amuzed, but I sure was!

So there's my little "Ut oh!" story for the day! I hope that you enjoyed it and got as much of a chuckle out of it as I still am!
posted by Melis at 8:17 PM | Permalink |