First off... who knew how much 3 yards really was! lol Yes, I got three yards of material for both mine and hubby's blankets! Ugggg! Is all I have to say to that! Everyone's is done now... except hubby's! He's being quite the perfectionist, as I was, but he's taking more time doing it! lol Both my older two kids finished theirs up this even as well. And did a fantabulous job as well, I might add!
I had a bit of sticker shock when I got up to the registers, but that very quickly faded when I seen my whole family scattered throughout the house working on the same project! That just made it all worth it!
Hubby found his own way of cutting his material... with a cutting board and a utility knife! Leave it to him! My oldest daughter was at the dining room table doing hers. However, wouldn't sit down to do it! lol Then when she got to a corner, instead of paying attention to the previous lengths that she was cutting, she was following the line of the table! The look on her face was too funny when I finally got her to realize it! Then there was my son. The self critical one. Getting all too upset with himself because some of the strips he was cutting were longer than others. But even he was more than pleased with the way it looked when it was all said and done! Yippie! Maybe there was a leason learned in all of this as well! I know that this will be a fond memory of mine tucked away in the pages of my mind for those rainy, gloomy days that I just need something wonderful to reflect on! It's times like these that life is more than worth living!
that was a cool project!! You remember when I made the quilt for my friends wedding?