20 December 2005
Everything's been a bit crazy around here. Even my damn blog! For whatever reason, it wouldn't let me go to ANY, sign in to MINE, NOTHING! Grrrrrrrrr!! I can't say for sure that it was still doing it yesterday, cuz I'd gotten so damn frustrated with it already, that I didn't even try! But now it seems to like me again, so I'm back for as long as Blogger will allow! LOL

Trying to stay on top of Christmas, and bills, ya'll know how that is! I'm truely not one that tries to make Christmas a big commercial holiday, however, I will admit that I do get a sense of satisfaction when someone opens a gift from me, and a huge genuine smile comes across their face! :) I would much rather have everyone give me all their money so that I can spend it all on gifts for other people. I know, I'm a bit strange! LOL Oh well!

I hope everyone is still kickin around here. I promise that I'll get caught up on ya'lls blogs as well.....

posted by Melis at 12:40 PM | Permalink |