At Sunday, January 01, 2006 12:59:00 AM, Melis
Momma - Oh yeah... MUCH too long! I was even smart enough to take a few things along, but a "few" things, in a TINY room, just don't last long with a 2 yo! LOL Thanks girly!
Mandi - She has a BAD case of croup. But I took her in this morning because she was having SUCH a hard time breathing it was rediculous! Just getting up out of bed this morning and me CARRYING her to the couch, she was breathing so rapidly that you'd have thought she'd been running through the house for 1/2 hour or something. She's still having quite a hard time, but doing better than this morning.
Chic - Definately NOT just a Canadian thing! I thought hubby was going to deck the ER Doc! LOL I'll have to throw a post up about that one! LMAO
Christina - Ummmm, see above! lmao And girl... AWWWWWWW! How sweet, honey! Ya know you're my one and always! *wink* Ok?! What do you want???? lmao, JK! :)
Samantha - Thanks girly! I really appreciate it!!!!