30 April 2006
Fun.. FUN!
No really! We had a lot of fun today! The only thing that would have made it better would have been to have my older two with us as well! =) Hubby, myself, and lil one took the GoKart out to my Mom's this afternoon and just ran the HELL out of it! It was tons of fun. My parents have 5 acres, and the back probably 2.5 or 3 aren't part of the "lawn".. it was a BLAST! We didn't get home until around 9ish tonite. Then last nite.. OMG! Ok... this is a whole other paragraph! LOL

Went out with a couple friends to Hacienda.. no real big deal there. Just the girls, dinner, and a couple of drinks. Well, that is.. until I caused a teensy widdle problem! One of my best friends was there with his family so I decided to send him over a beer... innocent enough. ;) Then awhile later, I sent him over another one. Now, I had to walk right past him to use the restroom, so I KNOW that he'd seen me and knew where they'd both came from when he got them. I can see him (well sorta.. not completely... but enough) from where I'm sitting, and when our waiter delivered the second annonymous beer to him, he was there talking a bit too long... then my BF stood up.... ::::drum roll:::: along with a chic.. WHOOPS! lmao They walked straight over to our table and he asked me if I'd sent him the beers, I, of course, said yes.. introduced myself to his girlfriend, and the went back to his table. Well I talk to him today and come to find out she was a bit more upset than what I'd thought.. caused a HUGE scene at the table and walked out... of the restaurant, and him! Yep! I'd done lost him a girlfriend! WHOOPS! I did appologize to him today for causing any problems.. that wasn't my intent at all, and he didn't seem to be too awful upset that he'd lost a gf in the mix.. so I guess we're still ok. =)

So all in all, I had a fun, exciting weekend! Yippie for me!

Until then...
posted by Melis at 12:15 AM | Permalink | 3 comments
Daily Maxine
posted by Melis at 12:12 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
27 April 2006
I'm not dead, and...
I haven't left the blog world.. contrary to what ya'll would probably like to hear! LOL I'MMMMM ALIVEEEEEE!!!!! he he

Things are just starting to get a little busier around here with the weather getting nicer. Between my older two being involved in everything and anything they possible can be, and hubby's schedule, and us trying to get that damn room done in the basement, and us just buying a GoKart for the 4 kids.. yes FOUR! Hubby is probably the biggest kid of them all when it comes to that thing! LOL I'm not finding too much time to post. Ok, ok.. and I found a new obbesion as well. Sims.. it's totally and completely addicting!

I do promise to start posting more. Maybe even every day again.. we'll see how that goes. I do miss ya'll TONS! And I've read every single one of your replies, and emails.. I'm soooo loved, and so lucky to have found such wonderful friends! Love ya's all! =)

Other than that, all is well in my personal world. My ex sister in law is having quite the personal battle with things in her life, and I'm trying to be the best friend to her that I possibly can be right now. But there's only so much that I can do as I won't get in the middle of things, yanno? I know that she will come out of all of it just fine... it just takes time, and support from people around her, and that's exactly what I'm trying to do for her. Ya'll keep her, and her family in your prayers me, kk? Thanks tons!

Until then...
posted by Melis at 11:14 PM | Permalink | 3 comments
Daily Maxine
posted by Melis at 11:05 PM | Permalink | 0 comments