10 October 2008
Tea... and stuff
So... I have decided that come Monday morning, I am going to make a boiling cup of tea. Yes, I said boiling. I must make sure it stays as hot as possible between making it, and arriving at the hell hole some people may refer to as my "work". No. The tea is not for me, I actually don't really care for tea at all. The tea is for my supervisor, whom at this point I've expressed my hatred for a countless number of times (mostly to the love of my life, bless his heart.. I know he's tired of hearing about it already). This woman is the spawn of Satan himself. No really! She is a self proclaimed chihuahua. Tell me. Why? Why would a person compare themselves to the most annoying, yipping, jittery animal created? Maybe... because she is the epitomy of that very animal.

So now you're probably wondering why in the sam hell I would want to bring her tea? Well, because up to this point I didn't realize how much I missed looking through the wittiness of Maxine. She just has a way of making a person feel all warm and cozy inside, yanno? Or maybe it's just in my twisted, screwed up lil mind, who knows. But regardless, after a very long day at the hell hole today, that very wittiness has made me feel a little better. (my first choice was curling up in said love of my life's arms... but he is away, so this was as good as it gets.)

Take a look at the Daily Maxine I posted down there. It's worth it, I promise. And if you don't think it is, well... screw you, man! It will at least make this post make a little more sense.

So here's to shitty days, hell holes, and pouring those boiling cups of tea in the som'bitches lap that is annoying you!

Until then...
posted by Melis at 9:45 PM | Permalink |