07 May 2006
way to tired...
to have any kind of real, in depth kind of post, however...

I do want to take this time to try my damndest to make up to my very good friend, Bossy, what I lacked a week ago. I truely feel horrible!!! She's an awesome person, mother, wife, daughter, and friend...but most importantly, she's my one and only!

Bossy... HAPPY BIRTHDAY GIRLY! I am sorry that I didn't deliver as promised a week ago. I won't give out excuses for my poor frienship tactics even though myself and lil one were sick all week. *wink* I do love ya's girly.. and I hope that you're "do over" this weekend is the absolute best ever!

I'll try to stay awake long enough tomorrow nite to post about my weekend. It was very eventful to say the least. HINT: Can ya'll say Chicago trip with all of the 5th grade??

Until then.... (happy bday Bossy!)
posted by Melis at 12:57 AM | Permalink |