02 March 2006
Where's the hidden camera???
This is the question that I have after my last couple of days in my life! I mean seriously!! Between me running around like a chicken with my head cut off, and people doing shit to just seemingly annoy the shit out of me on purpose, I really wanna know where it is, and whose STUPID idea it was to do this shit to me!!!!

Ok, as you've probably figured out, I've had another one of "those days"! Don't get me wrong, I knew going into it that it was going to be kinda busy again come late afternoon. I didn't, however, remember everything... therefore, making it more busy than what I'd planned. And to top it off, hubby's been sick, and then the lil one wakes up this morning sporting a fever!! UGGGG!!! Where the hell IS that Calgon man??!?! Has anyone ever really seen this savior?? LOL

Anyway... I thought and pondered all day about how I was going to work tonite with both hubby and lil one sick, and actually did come up with a plan! That was shot all to hell come 230 when I received a call from my son asking me if he was going to be picked up from school today because of his appointment! DAMMIT! I forgot about that! Sooo... back to racking my brain! He needs to be picked up at 3ish, oldest daughter gets home at 305, son's appt at 4, then oldest daughter has to be back up to the school for her Science Fair/Talent show by 6, and that lasts until 830ish. I call hubby to find out exactly how long he's working today and finally one thing goes in my favor! YEAH! He's only working 9 today so he'll be home about 245!! YIPPIE!! So he walk in the door, I say hello, give him a kiss, and leave! LOL Nice way to stay in touch with your spouse! LOL I'm off to get my son for his appt, we're there in plenty of time, and I'm on schedule! YIPPIE AGAIN! THEN... when I go to schedule his next appt, I tell the stupid lady that I'm not going to be able to continue having his appointments at 4 because I'm not going to keep taking him out of school early. I was thinking that this shouldn't be a big deal, of course... I was wrong! WTH! I explain to her that my son doesn't get home from school until 430, so 5 would be the EARLIEST that I'd be able to have him there. And her response??? You just will NOT believe this one!! "Ok, how about 415 then?" Ummmmm hellloooooo?!?!?!? Is it just me people, or is this woman a tad bit DENSE?! GEESH! I'm about ready to go across the freakin desk at HER, when again, I realize that wouldn't be a good example for my son, and just say... Don't think that will work because of *insert previous convo here**, I'll have to give her a call tomorrow and let her know what I can or can't figure out. So now I ask again... Where in the sam hell is the hidden cameras?

On a brighter note... my daughter's project received a blue ribbon as well!! YIPPIE FOR HER!!! I'm so damn proud of my kids that I probably make everyone around me sick! My only advice to them is: I just wouldn't advise puking anywhere near me cuz at this point I won't be held accountable for my actions if you do! LOL The talent show was blast as well! A well needed, (I think) well deserved dose of relaxation for me! The kids all did fantastic, and a good time was had by all! :)

Until then...
posted by Melis at 11:11 PM | Permalink |


  • At Friday, March 03, 2006 9:24:00 AM, Blogger Fantastagirl

    Why is it that the stupid people are the ones that answer the phones, make appointments etc... someone didn't tell her to listen with both ears.

  • At Friday, March 03, 2006 12:28:00 PM, Blogger Amy

    I hate days like that. Hopefully your Friday will be better! {{{hugs}}} Try not to yell at the appointment woman too much - LOL!

  • At Friday, March 03, 2006 2:03:00 PM, Blogger CozyMama

    stop and take a deeeeepppppp breath.......................................................................... Ok let it out....Jeez you were turnin blue!!!

  • At Friday, March 03, 2006 4:35:00 PM, Blogger eyes_only4him

    ok, I know someone who needs a xanex pronot;)

  • At Friday, March 03, 2006 4:35:00 PM, Blogger eyes_only4him

    pronto I mean..WTF...

  • At Saturday, March 04, 2006 11:37:00 PM, Blogger Melis

    FG - Scary thing is.... It wasn't a receptionist, it was actually the lady!!! You'd think she'd be more interested in all the money she's getting from me!!!

    Chic - I agree with you about some people... Geesh! And you can really tell??? HOW?! LMAO Yes! They are my moon and stars without a doubt!

    Jodi - What's wrong with blue?? I like blue! lol

    Bossy - Girl.. you SOOOO crack me up! And to answer your "WTF" question... It's YOU... I would expect nothing less! LMAO

  • At Saturday, March 04, 2006 11:40:00 PM, Blogger Melis

    Al - Ok, don't look at this as me "missing your comment", look at it more as me "seeing you as important enough to respond separately!" LOL I actually am leaving it up to my ex to deal with that lady, I figure it's about time he does something anyway! LOL