30 September 2005
Life stuff...
Ok, I looked over my blog and realized that I haven't done a regular "life" post in a couple days. So here ya go..

The past couple of days have been eventful. As I've mentioned (I think), my youngest hasn't been feeling too well. Which simple translates into very late nites for me, even later than what this is use to! And even though she's up so much during the nite, and so often, she still manages to get up at the butt crack of dawn in the morning. However, Weds morning I find that she's actually sleeping in (shouldn't be too suprised, as she didn't sleep more than 15 minutes at a time up until 4:30 am). She's slept so long already that my oldest daughter has made her way to school, and my son will be on his way very shortly. And that is when it happens! The phone rings, it's my daughter calling from school. Yep! You guessed it! She needs to be picked up, she's sick! Ugggg! Which means waking the youngest out of her dream state, and giving up the glorious morning of sleeping in! So I wake her, throw a jacket on her, load her and my son up in the truck and we're off! Pick her up from school, *yawn* drop my son off at school, and head back home. After the drama in the morning, my day went a little smoother. Either that, or I slept walked through all the stressful parts. LOL

Which now brings me to Thursday (which is still my "today"). We had a very uneventful morning. Oldest is feeling better, everyone gets to (and stays at) school with no problem. I actually got a half way decent amt of sleep (Hey! 4 hrs is decent!) My youngest isn't as grumpy as she has been, and I find that I not only have a fun day with her, but a pretty productive one myself. Yeah!! Then it happens! The phone rings, it's my darling hubby, calling to let me know that he's going to be late from work. Now normally this wouldn't get my panties in a bunch, but this time is different. When I ask him why, he proceeds to tell me that he got hit in the mouth with a drill this afternoon, and is now sporting a gorgeous smile without one of his front teeth, and half of the other! Nice!! Now you have to couple this with the fact that we have no dental insurance yet (hubby hasn't been there long enough) which means that the dentist that his employer sent him to didn't do a damn thing for him (Ummm, think "exposed root") and the fact that he's suppose to be deploying in, hmmm... 18 days! So now we have to hope and pray that Workmans Comp will pay, and that he's able to have it done in a timely manner! Oh the joys of life! I certainly can't wait to see what good 'ol Friday is going to bring!

posted by Melis at 12:39 AM | Permalink |