29 September 2005
White Feather

This is a recent true story from a friend of mine that I obtained permission to share with ya'll. I will just copy & paste it here. Grab your tissues, it still gives me goosebumps!! Here's her story... non edited!

Hi everyone, as you know my dad passed away on Sunday morning. Thank you all for your kinds words and prayers for my family over the past few months, they have meant a lot to me.

I wanted to share this with you, it made us feel so blessed today.

After Frank found out he had terminal cancer he and my mom started talking about him becoming an angel when he died and he promised to watch over us when he got to Heaven safely. well unbeknownst to the rest of us until today, mom had asked Frank to send her a feather so she would know that he made it to Heaven safely. Guess what we found in my van today next to my mom's seat? A pristine white feather! We all started crying the second she told us about their secret as she held up the white feather that came out of nowhere!

This was such a special gift, I wanted to share it with you guys.

posted by Melis at 1:06 PM | Permalink |