16 September 2005

I hope ya'll have had a nice last couple of days! Mine have been pretty busy, between appts, and practice schedules... But at the same time, I wouldn't trade any of the insanity for anything in the world!

I'm also sharing one of my latest animated creations... the big blinkie up top there. It's my first attempt at a blinkie of any kind, and I'm pretty proud of it! :) I hope ya'll like it as well! I've also made one for Halloween, but I'll save that one until it gets a little bit closer to that time.

Here is also a pic of my DD, with her first pair a "heels"! This one was just too cute not to share! She just loves shoes!! I can't make it all the way through a store without her literally begging me to stop and look at shoes. I actually find this pretty cute, at least for now! LOL I'm sure that I won't find this as cute when she gets a little bit older, and starts having a fit to buy them, a opposed to her just begging to look at them as she is doing right now!

I thought I'd be able to get a little more of a post in this afternoon before she got up from her nap, but doesn't look like it. So I'll fill ya'll in on the rest of my happenings later on tonite!

posted by Melis at 1:43 PM | Permalink |