14 September 2005
My yesterday...

"Uggggg" is the only single word that comes to mind! I love my youngest daughter with all my heart, but GEEZ! I'm thinking that she can give Mommy a break here and there! LOL

She got up at the butt crack of dawn yesterday, after my son had a pretty sleepless night, so that already didn't help things! Then about an hour or so later, when I went to the bathroom (wasn't in there but a minute, literally!) and came back out, I found that she'd decided to dump all the dogs water from their dish all over my kitchen floor! Uggg! So I grab the mop, and towels, and start getting that mess cleaned up.

While in the middle of doing that, I realize that she isn't standing in there with me, and she isn't in the family room watching her cartoons either. That only means trouble! I go into the living room, only to find her standing on top of the computer desk! Oh... it doesn't stop there! As I get closer to her (trying to appear as calm as possible so she doesn't jump!) I find that she'd dumped what was left in a glass of tea... you guessed it! All over the computer desk, my calculator (those that know me, will understand my stress over that!), and everything else within "liquid distance"! I get her down from the desk, go back in the kitchen, finish cleaning up that mess, go back into the livingroom to clean that mess, then finally grab ahold of her to get her dressed for the day.

After running my few errands, I get back home to lay her down for her nap. A BIG HA THERE! That's just not happening! I tried that for about an hour, and when I heard "Mommmmmaaaaa.... pleaaassseeeeeee!!! I holddd youuuuuu!!!!" from a meek voice in the bedroom, I got her up. How could anyone resist that?! Her brother and sister are home from school by this point, so she's occupied enough to stay out of major trouble while I begin to make dinner. Only to be reminded that my son has soccer practice, so what's for dinner is just not going to work! Ugggg! Can anything else put a cramp in my day? I figure, forget it! Wait for hubby to call to let me know he's on his way home, and have him pick up McD's for dinner!

After getting through dinner, getting my son to and from practice, my evening was much calmer! Whew! LOL I do have to quote my BF, who's "make in the dating scene" after 12-13 years. His comment referring to a potential date (that he really wasn't interested in) just really struck me as funny. He said "Maybe if she's dumb enough, I can just trick her outta 'em!" LMAO I don't know why that struck me as so funny. I guess because I know that he'll find out that woman are just not that dumb! LOL
posted by Melis at 1:40 PM | Permalink |


  • At Wednesday, September 14, 2005 2:26:00 PM, Blogger CozyMama

    Jeez!! Carter likes to do stuff like that too. although recently he has been putting back all the pots and pans and tupperware after he is done, shocked the hell out of me..has he been body snatched?

  • At Wednesday, September 14, 2005 8:23:00 PM, Blogger Melis

    With Rach it's just liquid stuff!! Anything else she ALWAYS puts everything else back... even her own toys (like all her kitchen stuff)! I'm sure it has nothing to do with me being such a neat freak! he he

  • At Monday, September 26, 2005 11:43:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous

    This story about Rachelle terrorizing you is hysterical!! I cannot wait to pick this little person up and hug her.