27 September 2005
My evening...

Was actually pretty nice, aside from the lil one still not feeling too good. We had a delicious dinner (if I do say so myself), DH went downstairs and worked on the bedroom some more while Rach and I played and played upstairs. Then after I got her to bed and DH came upstairs for the nite, I went out by my Mom's and visited for awhile. It's amazing how much you can learn about your own life when you have a casual conversation with your Mother! lol She also told me about the cutest thing that Rach said to her while I was gone with my oldest getting her glasses.. Mom had brought over some coffee with her in one of those coffee cups with a lid, and Rach wanted a drink. She, of course, gave her some, and when Rach took a sip of it she looked up at my Mom and said, "Mmmmm, this is my favorite!" lol Now you have to understand that she just turned two!

Speaking of both my daughters. I was also enlighted to another cute fact! Seems as though my oldest daughter was tryin to teach the lil one to say "Okie Dokie". Well, with her being so young, that was a mouth full and kept coming out "Okie Okie". Which my oldest has adopted and I hear using quite often now! How cute is that.. the lil one starting "trends" for the older one!

The only bad thing I can think of about my day today isn't even directly related to me, but scares me just the same, and makes you think about how precious every day is. On my drive home from my Mom's there was what appeared to be a pretty bad accident right up the road from my house. A road dead ends into a highway, and it appeared that the driver didn't realize that, or wasn't paying enough attention. Either way, there were fresh skid marks right at the end of the road pretty close to the stop sign and continuing through the highway and a car in some people front yard (looked like he hit a tree). These people yard actually drops down from the highway a good few feet, so I'm sure that the vehicle went airborn before coming to a rest. There were a ton of State Police and local police, two ambulances, a tow truck, a fire engine, and a bunch of volunteer vehicles. I just hope and pray that everyone involved is alright! I'm sure it'll be on the news in the morning, and I'll let ya'll know what I hear about it in a post tomorrow.

Until then... remember to say your "I love you"'s and give your hugs and kisses before leaving your loved ones... even if your not completely happy with them at the moment, because you never know what the next minute in life will bring you!

posted by Melis at 12:34 AM | Permalink |


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