12 January 2006
Ok... Christina requested to hear something Rock n Roll, and although I know this isn't what she meant.. it is a song by Aerosmith. And since I'm in an all kinds of mushy mood today with the lil note from hubby that I woke up to, this is what ya'll get. Now, you need to know that this song, and my hubby singing it is how we got together. But that's a whole long story for another post! (I know, I promised ya'll that story awhile ago, and I will delivery... sooner or later!) LOL There is NO MUSIC.. it's just him and I singing together.. so you've been warned! :)

this is an audio post - click to play

And here's the little lil note that I referred to above. How sweet is he?!?! :)

Note: Translation (if ya can't read his "doctor's handwriting") LOL
"Have a good day Baby!!
I love you more than you know
HSB....forever & Always!!!
posted by Melis at 1:53 PM | Permalink |