She SLEPT...
ALL THROUGH THE NITE!!!! YIPPIE! Now if I could just sleep! Uggg! Me being sick right along with her really drained me, as I'm sure all of you have been though at one time or another! My body is just completely S P E N T! Just wanted to pop in to give ya'll on update on her. She's doing better, not great, but better non the less. I've got her temp to stablize around 99ish, and I can deal with that... she seems to be as well, so that's good. She's actually napping right now as well, she needs it, poor baby! She still doesn't have all her color back in her face, but her eyes aren't quite as glassy, so that's good too! We're on our way back to "normal"... yippie!! I really miss my smiling, happy go lucky lil girl! Now just to get me back to "normal". I'm sure hubby can't wait, cuz I'm a real bitch when I'm sick, let alone when I'm worried about her. He was just incredible yesterday... he got home from work, asked me how we were both doing, then told me to go to bed. I got up around 830ish to find that he'd made dinner for them, he made me a bite to eat, and he was doing some laundry. He also stayed up until about 10 (he should have been in bed around 8), said he wanted to stay up to make sure her and I were "ok". Awwwwwwwwww..... I love him so much! :) Hope all is well with all of you....
Chic - Yeppers! These times certain make up for those times that he's leaving his shit on the floor! :) And I'M GOING!!!! lol