07 March 2006
Helllllppppp meeeeeeee....
OMG! I feel soooo horrible! I just didn't want ya'll to think I feel off the earth or something. PLEASE someone gouge the center of me face out!!! LOL Hopefully I'll be back sooner than later... I do really miss ya'll!!!!!!

Until then...
posted by Melis at 10:01 PM | Permalink | 12 comments
04 March 2006
Just Rambling
I think I've mentioned on here before about how hubby hasn't been feeling too well, then the lil one waking up 3 or 4 days ago sporting a fever... well, you guessed it! It found ME! Uggggggg! I felt it coming on last nite; feeling more pressure in my sinuses than normal (there's always pressure, they're just screwed up!), coughing, eyes starting to feel swollen (they're not, I don't think, just feel like it), feeling the beginning of a soar throat, ect.! I just don't need this now.. in a couple days, fine! Just not now! Hubby's off playing soldier, and I sent every last pic of meds with him, so I have nothing, zip, zelch! Hopefully the weekend will go by faster, and easier than what I expect... only one more day! LOL

I had another request for a custom template a couple days ago from Jaws was a Lady, ya'll will have to stop by and see her and tell me whatcha think! I really enjoyed making this one as much as Bossy's! I'm learning more and more with each new template I create! I think I'm gonna have to have a "flashback" of sorts for ya'll of my templates so that you can see the progression. I think back and can't help but chuckle at my first one or two. Don't get me wrong, I love them all, but my last few that I've done you can really tell that I've learned a thing or two! LOL

I was looking through some of my pics on here of my gorgeous kids, and came across this of my lil one...

Now seriously! Is that the cutest damn kid you've ever seen in the world or what?! She's just so animated she cracks me up! That picture I snapped of her after she got her first hair cut! Yep, did it myself. LOL Keep in mind that she has curls everywhere, so her bangs are actually straight, they just don't look too straight once her hair dried and the curls tried popping out. I don't think it turned out too bad, but then again, on a kid THAT cute... what wouldn't look good! :)

Until then...
posted by Melis at 11:21 PM | Permalink | 8 comments
Daily Maxine
posted by Melis at 11:03 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
02 March 2006
Where's the hidden camera???
This is the question that I have after my last couple of days in my life! I mean seriously!! Between me running around like a chicken with my head cut off, and people doing shit to just seemingly annoy the shit out of me on purpose, I really wanna know where it is, and whose STUPID idea it was to do this shit to me!!!!

Ok, as you've probably figured out, I've had another one of "those days"! Don't get me wrong, I knew going into it that it was going to be kinda busy again come late afternoon. I didn't, however, remember everything... therefore, making it more busy than what I'd planned. And to top it off, hubby's been sick, and then the lil one wakes up this morning sporting a fever!! UGGGG!!! Where the hell IS that Calgon man??!?! Has anyone ever really seen this savior?? LOL

Anyway... I thought and pondered all day about how I was going to work tonite with both hubby and lil one sick, and actually did come up with a plan! That was shot all to hell come 230 when I received a call from my son asking me if he was going to be picked up from school today because of his appointment! DAMMIT! I forgot about that! Sooo... back to racking my brain! He needs to be picked up at 3ish, oldest daughter gets home at 305, son's appt at 4, then oldest daughter has to be back up to the school for her Science Fair/Talent show by 6, and that lasts until 830ish. I call hubby to find out exactly how long he's working today and finally one thing goes in my favor! YEAH! He's only working 9 today so he'll be home about 245!! YIPPIE!! So he walk in the door, I say hello, give him a kiss, and leave! LOL Nice way to stay in touch with your spouse! LOL I'm off to get my son for his appt, we're there in plenty of time, and I'm on schedule! YIPPIE AGAIN! THEN... when I go to schedule his next appt, I tell the stupid lady that I'm not going to be able to continue having his appointments at 4 because I'm not going to keep taking him out of school early. I was thinking that this shouldn't be a big deal, of course... I was wrong! WTH! I explain to her that my son doesn't get home from school until 430, so 5 would be the EARLIEST that I'd be able to have him there. And her response??? You just will NOT believe this one!! "Ok, how about 415 then?" Ummmmm hellloooooo?!?!?!? Is it just me people, or is this woman a tad bit DENSE?! GEESH! I'm about ready to go across the freakin desk at HER, when again, I realize that wouldn't be a good example for my son, and just say... Don't think that will work because of *insert previous convo here**, I'll have to give her a call tomorrow and let her know what I can or can't figure out. So now I ask again... Where in the sam hell is the hidden cameras?

On a brighter note... my daughter's project received a blue ribbon as well!! YIPPIE FOR HER!!! I'm so damn proud of my kids that I probably make everyone around me sick! My only advice to them is: I just wouldn't advise puking anywhere near me cuz at this point I won't be held accountable for my actions if you do! LOL The talent show was blast as well! A well needed, (I think) well deserved dose of relaxation for me! The kids all did fantastic, and a good time was had by all! :)

Until then...
posted by Melis at 11:11 PM | Permalink | 7 comments
Daily Maxine
posted by Melis at 11:07 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
01 March 2006
Kids bet on me! LOL
I'm gonna leave ya'll hanging for a bit on the title of this post. LOL Yesterday I went with the 6th, 7th, and 8th graders to their Choir Festival, and had a FANTABULOUS time with them. It makes me feel really good that my daughter actually wants to sit with me on those bus rides when I go. When we went to get on the bus I told her that I could sit somewhere else, and she said "No, Mom, it's cool, sit here with me!" :::insert big cheesy grin here::: I guess maybe I'm not as horrible a Mom as what I sometimes feel! :) All the kids did fantastic at festival, the received very high 2's. And although it wasn't a 1, I was very proud of them all! Little story on the bus ride home that made me realize just how old my daughter is... We're about 1/2 way home on the bus when the bus driver told the Choir instructor to hollar at a couple of the kids sitting in the back of the bus to.... (GET THIS!) get the blanket off the top of them!!! Yes! It was a guy and a girl under that blanket!! Ugggggggg! I'm sooooooo not old enough for those issues! I can only say that I'm so glad my daughter is a much more confident person than I was at her age, and much more of a leader than I was. Don't think I'm being foolish here, I'm not, not in the least! I'm not one of those parents that thinks beyond a shadow of a doubt "Nope! That'll never be MY kid!" I know better than that! I WAS one of "those" kids, and my parents were shocked beyond belief!! And they still don't know probably the 1/2 of it! LOL It was a long day yesterday because my youngest daughter decided that it would be a good nite to decide to stay up all nite, which meant that I went into the day with no sleep, and I don't mean only a couple hours, I mean NONE! But I still had a blast, enjoyed every minute of it, and would do it all again in a heart beat! :)

Then there was today. Another extremely busy day in my life this afternoon. It was my son's turn to dominate. LOL He had his last Drama Club meeting today, and they put on a little skit for the parents, had to be there at 5:45. We did that, the kids did fantastic! :) Then we left there, grabbed a quick bite to eat up in town cuz we had to be back at the school for my son's Fine Arts Festival. While we're driving to get something to eat my son tells me, "Oh yeah, I have to change into my black pants and white shirt for tonite"... UGGGGG!! I don't have time for everyone to finish eating, drive back out to the house and have him back by 6. Sooooo.. lucky thing hubby wasn't feeling well and wasn't staying for the rest of the stuff at school and drove separately! (I meant the driving separate thing.. not him being sick. LOL) So I stay with the girls and finish eating, he takes my son to change and all is well. The Science Fair projects were on display, and the kids found out how they did tonite. My son got :::drum roll::: FIRST PLACE!!! Yippie! YEAH FOR HIM! He was so proud of himself, as was I! It's so incredibly wonderful to see "that look" on your childs face! :) Then at 630 some of the kids played their recorders, again, they did well! 700 was the band.. yep! You guessed it, he's in that as well! I was really impressed at how much they are actually starting to sound more like a band! LOL Then 745 the 4th-5th grades did their choir concert (yep! in that too!) But... before that actually happened is when something ELSE happened... the story to my title! Here we go....

As you probably have figured out, I had my 2 yo with me as well, and no hubby to help out with the anxiousness, ect that I would face with her having to sit still so long. So after the band concert, when they were removing the chairs and music stands getting ready for the choir concert, I had my oldest daughter sit to save our seats, and I walked around with her for a little bit. Her and I get back into the Gym and are standing a mear 2 feet.. LITERALLY... from where we are sitting on the bleachers when two women decide to sit... IN MY SEATS! OHHHHHH HELL NO! I look at my oldest daughter and say "Ummmm HELLO!", as in say something! Well, she doesn't wanna say anything, and they look of uncomfortableness on her face told me that she just wasn't going to. So I told her to come over here by the lil one so that I could. She did, and I went over to these two women and say, very politely I must say, "Excuse me, but there's people already sitting in these seats." To which they reply, "Ok." So me thinking everything's fine, I walk back over to the lil one, and after a couple minutes, and seeing that they aren't moving, walk back over to them and say, in a not so nice voice this time,

Me: I SAID these seats were already taken!!!!
Them: I heard you the first time!
Me: Well are you going to move?!?!
Them: No.
::ok, I'm really pissed now...
Me: ESCUSE ME?!?!?!
Them: ::went intot some ramble about how their kids are a part of this too, and they would like for once to be able to see them as well::
Me: Well, now I don't see where that is MY problem, if you were here as early as I was, then you would have been able to have good seats as well!
Them: Well, I'm not moving!

So now I'm really pissed, fist clenched, ect. and I can feel my fist connecting with one and/or the others face! But I know that I can't do that, I'm at a school function for crying out loud! LOL So instead, I tell my oldest to bring my youngest over to me, and I sit down next to them. Then tell my oldest to come and sit down as well, and when she does ::evil laugh:: I scoot, very hard, not once, but TWICE, into the one sitting next to me, forcing them over some. The one says to me, "You don't have to practically sit on my lap!!" To which I respond, in a sickening sweet voice now, "Well, you're right, and I wouldn't have to if you weren't sitting in MY SEATS! I'm just making sure my daughter has enough room." And smile! LOL Then after it's all said and done, and we get home, my son asks me what happened, so I tell him the story. He then tells me that he seen me, and turned to one of his friends and said, "Oh no! My Mom's getting in a fight!" lol He one friend responds, "10 bucks says your Mom wins!" His other friend says, "If your Mom needs backup, I'll send my Mom over to help." To which the first friend replies, "Ummm... I don't think she's gonna need it!" LMAO How funny is that shit?! Kinda strange, but made me feel good! The kids were bettin on ME! lmao

Until then....

EDITED: I also found out today from my son that if I would have nudged those two an inch more the one would have completely fallen off the bleachers! LOL So I guess she just MIGHT have been more comfy if she'd a kept her nasty self where she was instead of moving to my seats!! LMAO Just had to share that with ya'll! **BIG evil cheesy grin**
posted by Melis at 11:52 PM | Permalink | 5 comments
Daily Maxine
posted by Melis at 11:50 PM | Permalink | 0 comments