14 January 2006
101 things about Melis
I've meant to do this for a very long time now, but didn't think I could actually come up with 101 things about me. It only took me about 2.5 hours to do, but alas, here it is! I know I'm a freak, so just be nice, k? Thanks! :)

1. I have naturally blonde hair.

2. I have only dyed my hair twice in my life, once for my hubby, then the second time trying to get it back to my natural color.

3. I have one sibling, a brother, who is 1 year, 6 months, and 28 days older than me.

4. I have never wanted a sister.

5. I am just a tad obsessive about cleaning, and things being in their place.

6. I use to vacuum the house at least 5-6 times a day.

7. I am not that obsessive anymore, once or twice a day is plenty now.

8. I have to have lines in the carpet when I vacuum, and it has to done in neat "rows".

9. I was malled by a dog when I was a child around 6-7 years old.

10. I received over 300 stitches inside and outside my leg from above said dog bite.

11. I still love dogs, and own two right now.

12. I wanted to be a "Mommy" when I grew up, and have two kids, a daughter first (so she didn't have to be the little sister).

13. I graduated high school and was engaged in 1989.

14. I graduated college and was married in 1991.

15. I had my first child (daughter), in 1993.

16. I had my second child (son), in 1995.

17. I left my husband in 1999.

18. I was officially divorced Jan, 2001 (we stayed legally married for a year so that he could file as married on taxes and get more money back).

19. I did the long distant relationship thing for very close to three years.

20. I was remarried, to the love of my life, Dec. 2001.

21. I spent the first year married to my new husband 939.6 miles away from him.

22. I drove home with my husband for good Dec. 2002.

23. I had my third child (daughter) in Sept. 2003.

24. I have lived in this town for all but about 2-3 years of my life, and that time
I only lived about 5-10 mins from here.

25. I have mood eyes, sometime they are blue, sometimes they are green, but they always have a brown ring around the pupil.

26. I met my current husband in FireTalk (an online voice chat program) in a karoke room.

27. I have been arrested once in my life. (for stealing $12, that I put back before I was "caught")

28. I hope to one day (SOON) have a breast reduction.

29. I have severe back problems (see previous).

30. I have to have the light switches have to be in their proper positions.

31. I have to have the screws for the switch plates horizontal.

32. I have to have the pictures of my kids from oldest to youngest on the walls (either oldest top to bottom, or left to right).

33. I have to have the salt & pepper shakers placed in that order...salt, then pepper.

34. I am a nite owl.

35. I am actually a shy person until I get to know you.. Then, watch out!

36. I have two best friends (aside from hubby), and they're both male.

37. I love making graphics and animations with PSP.

38. I have to dry out the stainless kitchen sick with a paper towel after I wash it or do dishes in it.

39. I hate tomatoes, but love ketchup, and tomato based sauces.

40. I am polish, German, Irish, and English.

41. I was grounded the last two weeks before I was married (I was 20, and graduated college).

42. I was four years younger than my first husband.

43. I am 6 years and 22 days older than my husband.

44. I once stayed up for 4 days.

45. I love giving gifts.

46. I love jumping out at and scaring people.

47. I was denied entry to preschool because I was too smart.

48. I love using a ten key calculator (especially with the print on).

49. I have always been fascinated with the state of Texas.

50. I have always been fascinated with Military men.

51. I married a man in the Air Force that's from Texas (my current hubby).

52. I have only been to TX once.

53. I always have cold feet and hands at nite, even in the summer.

54. I hate mornings (not just as an expression, I'd rather sleep then, and be up at nite).

55. I had two days with my current husband after we were married before he had to go back to the base.

56. I have never broken any bones.

57. I went back to work two weeks after having my youngest daughter.

58. I love my name, Melissa, but love being called "Melis" more.

59. I've smoked since I was 13.

60. I won the "longest married" prise at my 10 year high school reunion (we were split up 5 months later).

61. I have a neighbor that I've known since the 4th grade and went to grade school and high school with.

62. I went to a Catholic school.

63. I hated wearing the uniforms at the Catholic school.

64. I have had long hair the majority of my life.

65. I have the same hair style now that I did in high school.

66. I refuse to wear a slip with a dress (my mother hates that!).

67. I very rarely wear a dress.

68. I love lounging in my pjs.

69. I love the smell of things freshly painted.

70. I love the smell of wood burning.

71. I love the smell of new carpet.

72. I love the smell of puppy breath.

73. I love the smell of Baby Magic on babies.

74. I love to have fingers ran through my hair.

75. I detest the sound of my hubby rubbing his feet together.

76. I love snow mobileing.

77. I love motorcyles.

78. I love going fast.

79. I had a four door, flat powder blue Mercury Comet as one of my first cars (I hated it when I first seen it, then loved it when I drove it and found out how fast it was).

80. I would love to be a councilor of some sort.

81. I love to listen to live bands.

82. I drink Tequilla straight, no salt, no lime.

83. I love to sing (even though I shouldn't sing outloud).

84. I prefer to have music playing when I clean.

85. I am horrible with directions.

86. I love my truck, it's a 2002 GMC 1500 stepside (the only vehicle I've ever bought brand new).

87. I am "Daddy's girl", through and through.

88. I hate having mail ripped open, it has to be opened with a letter opener or a knife.

89. I hate it when hangers on left in a "clothes spot" after taking clothes off the hanger.

90. I'm a huge procrastinater, and almost late to everything.

91. I would beg my Mom to give me perms when I was younger (she's a Cosmetologist), then cry hysterically when we were done because I thought my hair was "too poofy", and wash it right away.

92. I've only had my hair done in a salon a couple times in my life, and dont' know how to tell them what to do.

93. I spoil my kids beyond belief, I've never grounded them and had it stick.

94. I once gave like $200 to a fundraiser my kids were doing because they SO wanted to have there name entered in a contest to go to Disney for selling that amt.

95. I have to group the empty hangers with their like hangers in the laundry room (lightweight wire, heavyweight wire, & plastic).

96. I once received a ticket for running a "stale green light", and was such a chicken I wouldn't fight it, and just paid the fine.

97. I witnessed a young child (in about the 2nd grade) get hit by a full size van when I was in about the 4th grade.

98. I have testified in court once in my life (regarding the accident mentioned above).

99. I have a hard time remembering things from my childhood.

100. I had a now Elvis impersonator as the stipper at my bachlorette party.

101. I have to have shirts hung so that the front is facing the left as they're hung in the closet, if they're not, I'll redo them.

posted by Melis at 11:38 PM | Permalink |


  • At Sunday, January 15, 2006 9:02:00 AM, Blogger eyes_only4him

    you are more fuc*ed then I thought...


    man did the kid die you saw get hit by the van..holybatshit, that would be awful..

    i hate tomotoas too but LOVE things with tomoatoes in them..

    and you no, you should qiut smoking,,haha


  • At Sunday, January 15, 2006 12:01:00 PM, Blogger CozyMama

    Good list...
    I actually hang things facing the left too, how strange.

  • At Sunday, January 15, 2006 8:26:00 PM, Blogger Melis

    Christina - I know I am.. but I hide it well, huh?! lol No, he didn't die, but his face was pretty messed up, had quite a few surgeries because of the accident. It's an image that I'll never, ever get out of my head!! And yes! I KNOW, I KNOW! I don't smoke that much though... maybe a pack or two a week.

    Jodi - Thanks!

    Chic - I actually crawled up into your head THEN wrote my list! I'm stalking you!!!! lmao I actually was bit twice as well... the first one only required a few stitches. It was by the same dog, only 14 days before the bad one.

  • At Thursday, January 19, 2006 9:12:00 AM, Blogger Amy

    Greetings for Texas . . . Your life seems to mold together neatly!

  • At Thursday, January 19, 2006 1:47:00 PM, Blogger Melis

    Al - Thanks! I try to make it that way! LOL