19 January 2006
Still worries...
After six years being together, and four years married, my darling hubby still worries when he sees strange things on the computer. Let me explain...

The day before yesterday I went into my Yahoo mail to clean it out, I don't use it, but I go there and delete all the junk mail... I know, my OCD! LOL Well, I usually don't look in the spam folder, I usually just hit the empty button and call it good. Well, that nite I was bored, so I took a look-see, and there was an email in there from some chic that said that she seen "my" profile on a "hook-up" website and wanted to get to know "me" better. Now I'll have to back track just a tad. Hubby's Dad has an account there, and there was a time that he wanted us to see a picture of a "potential" girlfriend, but we couldn't see it unless we made an account. So we did, both of us, sitting at the computer together. I remember this vividly, and we did one hellofa hillarous profile! LOL But I couldn't remember exactly what it said. So, naturally, I went to sign into the account, to reread what we'd wrote up. And dammit if I couldn't! Well then last nite I tried logging into it again, and still couldn't, and couldn't get the damn site to send me my password either! Grrr! lol

Then I come in here while hubby was on the computer, and I see that he's looking in my mail folders.. no big deal, I don't care, but it's odd! He knows that the only things that are in any of them of graphics stuff for my PSP. So, naturally, I asked him what he was looking for, and that's when he finally asked me about seeing in history that I went to that "hook up" website... and he was obviously concerned that I was there! lol

Ok, might just be me, but I found that just too adorable! He's not one to be jealous, so when these things happen, I really revel in them! LOL And the expression on his face when I told him about the whole thing was completely priceless in itself! He really didn't know what to say then! LOL

Until next time...

posted by Melis at 11:53 PM | Permalink |


  • At Friday, January 20, 2006 1:32:00 AM, Blogger momma of 2

    It's kinda cute - doesn't he read your blog - we know how much you love him!

  • At Friday, January 20, 2006 2:19:00 AM, Blogger Melis

    Momma - He rarely reads my blog. He has more important stuff to do, like find out when the new camaro is going to be available to purchase, and get new programs for his Palm! lmao But he does have the addy ect., every now and again I read it to him, just to see him get embarrassed! he he

    ps. Strange veri this time.. "fundoa". Ya'll think I need more fun in my life?? lmao

  • At Friday, January 20, 2006 3:54:00 PM, Blogger eyes_only4him

    HAHA, when I sigend my mom up for E-Harmony I put my email instead of hers, so for the first few days iw as getting mail from there and the hubby was like " um, whats this about"...

    I told him if I was looking for anoter man it sure as hell wasnt going to be a middle aged man..LMFAO..

  • At Saturday, January 21, 2006 3:44:00 PM, Blogger Just Me

    awww...how sweet...jealousy ( in the right manner) is always flattering!!

    My New Blog!

  • At Saturday, January 21, 2006 9:52:00 PM, Blogger Melis

    Christina - How funny girly! This site was like that... but, ummm, racier! lmao

    Chic - Omg! I'm sure he knows better than that.. Miss Olive Eater! LMAO!!

    Angel - I couldn't agree with you more on that statement! I dealt with the "other" jealousy in my previous marriage.. Ugggg!!! I found your new place, too.. Love it! Been being a good commandment follower, too! :)

  • At Sunday, January 22, 2006 11:40:00 PM, Blogger Melis

    Samantha - Hmmmm... come to think of it, I don't think I've ever heard him complain! lmao!!