18 January 2006
My oldest daughter's birthday was yesterday (why I wasn't around), she's now 13!! I'm telling you, I'm just NOT old enough to have a child that is that old!! No really! I'm not! She had a pretty good day. Her birthday actually started on Saturday, my Mom came and got her early Saturday morning and they had a shopping day, just the two of them. My Mom does such a good job at spoiling my kids, that not only did she take her shopping for clothes, she also took her to have her hair done, cuz shorter, layered, and permed! Her first time with the layers and perm. She looks cute, though.. but a LOT older! UGH! lol Then we had her family party on Sunday, got some nice gifts there, too. Then cake and ice cream and our gift to her yesterday. We got her a cordless phone for her room, she's THRILLED! lmao

My son has been going through some sleepless nites here lately, and they're really taking their toll on poor 'ol Mom. He's the one that never really dealt too well with his Dad and I getting divorced. He's my tender soul, and it shows! It's gotten to the point that I've had to put aside my push-over-ness, and lay the law down. Now if he gets up out of his bed, he gets grounded. Ugh! He got grounded the first nite of this! But so far, so good after that! :) I really hate being a hardass with my kids... anyone else, and I have no problem at all! LOL

I leave you all with a funny I came across! Enjoy & Happy Humping errr... Hump day! :)

posted by Melis at 10:22 PM | Permalink |


  • At Thursday, January 19, 2006 9:01:00 AM, Blogger Amy

    Divorce is hard on kiddos...don't feel bad for being "hard". They need structure, routine, and discipline to help keep them on track. Do it with a consistent and fair hand - this will help them see you do it out of love. (That is the parent and the teacher in my talking!)

  • At Thursday, January 19, 2006 9:34:00 AM, Blogger momma of 2

    Happy birthday to your gal - wow 13 - (ouch).

    Don't feel bad about having rules and following through... if you don't do it now, you will end up with bigger problems than not staying in bed after bedtime when he is older.

    BTW - I tilted my head and I still can't read Japanese.... maybe you meant my other right? lol

  • At Thursday, January 19, 2006 1:39:00 PM, Blogger Melis

    Al - I am one of the strictest parents, if not THE strictest, of all the kids' friends. They've always had the structure and rountine in their lives, and the divorce was 6 years ago. So I think it's just more attn than anything right now.

    Momma - "Ouch"?! Thanks! LOL And they do have rules... I just suck at keeping to a grounding! LOL They have a set rountine that they have to follow everyday.. homework before anything, chores next.. then if I see fit, they can run around in the neighborhood with friends. No nothing after 8 pm, phone calls, ect. and they're in bed by 9.. even the 13 yo! :)

  • At Thursday, January 19, 2006 2:00:00 PM, Blogger eyes_only4him

    wow you are old...13 year old, you poor poor woman..HAHA

    hope she had a good day..

    my son is the tender soultoo, and I have to put my foot down with him and ground him too...

    am i the only one who acctaully tilted my head..LMAO

  • At Thursday, January 19, 2006 2:02:00 PM, Blogger eyes_only4him

    ok, i can read it now

    you really look silly you asshole..right..haha

  • At Thursday, January 19, 2006 2:04:00 PM, Blogger Melis

    Christina - Old? ME?! I'm not old.. I just started young! Yeah! That sounds good! LOL I think she had a great day! :) Thanks! And no, but I think you're the only one that's really admitting to it! lmao

  • At Thursday, January 19, 2006 11:52:00 PM, Blogger Amy

    I could see the Japanese pic at work - LMAO right now! Funny!

    I read your 101 things about me after the above comment and it gave me a better timeline for the marriages - they are definitely doing it for attention! It might be wrong to say...but, they will probably "milk" the divorce for attention for a loooooong time! Hell, I think I might do it every once in a while and it has been over 25 years - HA!

  • At Thursday, January 19, 2006 11:55:00 PM, Blogger Amy

    Above should read, "I could NOT see the ..." Going to bed now!

    For some reason, I usually cannot see your graphics at work. Maybe b/c it is a school district and they restrict it? Wierd. We have broadband, so speed shouldn't be an issue.

  • At Friday, January 20, 2006 12:38:00 AM, Blogger Melis

    Chic - Omg! I'm rollin here! lmao

    Al - It's just my son, and I know behind a shadow of a doubt that it's for attention. That's why I'm so frustrated, because he gets more attention than any other child I know.. even more than my 2 yo most times when he's here! LOL And the graphics are probably blocked from the school, at least that'd be my guess.