21 January 2006
Who woulda thunk it!
We decided to splurge tonite since it was just the three of us (hubby, lil one, and myself) and hubby ran through the drive thru at McD's. We didn't have much to splurge with so we just got stuff off the dollar menu, and the lil one got a "hammy". So we're sitting there at the dining room table, and the lil one is eating better than she has in I can't even remember how long, especially for it being a "hammy". Usually she gets more interested in taking the thing apart then actually eating it! But not tonite, tonite you would have thought the poor baby had been stranded on a deserted island for months with no food! LOL

We're finishing up dinner, lil one is ready to be done, and she says to hubby, "Ok Daddy! Where's my toy?" Uhhhhh... now what do we do!?!?! We didn't do the Happy Meal thing this time cuz she's never interested in the toys for more than a blink of an eye, and she rarely eats even about half of the "hammy", let alone the fries or drink! Hubby's sitting there and finally squeeks out, "Ummmm, there is no toy honey." To which she very adamently replies, "Yes, Daddy! The toy is in the box!!" Ok... Who woulda thunk it! My darling two year old knows that she's suppose to be getting a toy, and knows where to get it from! However cheesy it is, it's a toy non the less! So I ever so quietly walk into the family room where she has a TON of little "Happy Meal quality" toys, grab the first thing I saw (a rubber bouncy ball, like out of the quarter, or should I say dollar, machines), go back into the dining room where hubby is still arguing with the two year old, and say "Yes, Daddy! They giving little bouncy balls this time, I bet it's in the bottom of the bag...**insert searching through bag here** Yep! Here it is!" and hand the lil one the ball. She has just been starring at me like I'm some kind of fool this whole time, takes the ball, then walks into the family room with it, directly over to where I got that ball from and says, "Hmph! Look! I have a bunch of these balls!" LMAO Again, who would have thought that the two year old would realize that I was tryin to be sneaky! HMPH! Right back at her! lmao

Then a little bit later the phone rings. I have a few people set up with special ringtones, and it happened to be my ex. Hubby grabs the phone and I hear "Hello. Yeah. Yeah. Ok. Alright. Talk to ya later, Bud!" Ok.... BUD??? WTH?! He can't even stand my ex! LOL So I ask him, "So... ya'll are "buds" now huh?" And before he could even take a breath to answer me, the little one (not even really pay attention, playing with her doll house) says, "Nooooo! Not Buds!" I about DIED right there on the spot! LMAO Again... who'd a thunk it...

posted by Melis at 8:46 PM | Permalink |