24 January 2006
Caught up, and stuff
Ok, I'm caught up... again! Psssttt... look down there, there's new posts for the 22nd and 23rd, too! LOL I just love the change date feature that blogger gives ya! *wink* I know that if I keep these missed couple days up that some of you are just going to leave me forever and break my heart, so I'm going to try really hard not to let that happen from now on! I'm sorry! Forgive me??

I've been really busy around the house the last couple days trying to get things ahead of schedule around here because I'm going to be out of town over the weekend. I'm actually really excited about my little trip, even though I'm going to spend 9 hours round trip driving alone. This will be the first time that I've gone... anywhere since before hubby was home for good. And he's never had to do it alone with the house and kids... ever! Plus, my 13 yo will be having 4 of her girlfriends over Sat for a birthday/slumber party and I won't be getting back home until a least 9-10 pm!! I don't know if I'm more anxious about getting away, or more anxious to see how hubby deals with everything without me for over 24 hours! LOL I know, I'm evil! But.. I am getting everything taken care of before I leave, so that takes away some of the evilness of the whole thing, right?! LOL

Onto a little rant from me. Hubby decides yesterday at work (after taking a pack of MY ciggys with him to work) that he's going to quit smoking cold turkey, so proceeds to just give away all but a few of the brand new pack that he has. He then calls me on his way home from work to let me in on the little secret and also informs me that we'll both be quitting!! Ummmmmm... yeah, right! LOL He's logic for me quitting is one.. I quit for the nine months that I was preggo (of course, with my last one even the smell of smoke made me puke!), plus, I only smoke on avg 2 packs..... a week! OK, ok. So the last one is probably a valid point, and actually one that I've said to myself time and time again. Especially since I don't even actually smoke THAT much in a week, most of the time I light 'em while sitting here, and they just burn. BUT! He can't make the decision for me, and I told him so tonite when I went and bought myself another pack. Now he's just plain pissed at me that I'm not quitting... because he says so! WTH?! I'm sorry... I just don't see how that's right! Am I wrong here???

Ok.. that's all from me today. Please don't forget that I'll be away over the weekend (leaving Fri afternoon), so you may or may not get a post from me Friday or Saturday. This advance notice should get me an excused absence, right???? *wink*

posted by Melis at 2:04 AM | Permalink |


  • At Wednesday, January 25, 2006 9:59:00 AM, Blogger eyes_only4him

    ok, you no I love ya here, but I side with the hubby..

    you should quit...you want to live to hold your grand babies dont you?..you dont want thier memeores of granny Melis being that she smells like smoke..come on, you know you wanna quit..

    think of all the money you will save too:)

    and you can always send me nasty notes as your going thru your withdralws:)

  • At Wednesday, January 25, 2006 10:55:00 AM, Blogger CozyMama

    hey, I just went back and read what you said back to me about opening mail....LOL.....LMAO!!!!!!!
    Hey, I got a new car.....a FORD FOCUS!!!!

  • At Wednesday, January 25, 2006 10:56:00 AM, Blogger CozyMama

    yes I changed to a non me profile pic....long story.
    you got rid of word veri..woohoo

  • At Wednesday, January 25, 2006 12:23:00 PM, Blogger momma of 2

    uhm yea... sorry- quit smoking... please?

    Okay won't go there again - but if I can lose weight - you can stop smoking... hows them apples? lol

    We all miss a day - except for Christina - I swear all she does is blogs... so I understand...

  • At Wednesday, January 25, 2006 2:49:00 PM, Blogger Melis

    Christina - Ok.. I'm not argueing the fact that I should quit, I agree there. The part I'm argueing is the fact that HE can't make the decision for me, that's all. And the savings for my would be about $20/month, so wouldn't be ALL that much, but before ya argue with me there, yes! savings is saving! :)

    Jodi - Ford?! ACK! lol You'll have to let me know what's going on!

    Momma - Again, not argueing that I shouldn't, I should! I agree 10 zillion percent! But it's still not his choice... just like it's not your hubby's choice if you lose weight or not, that's all I'm saying. And thanks for understanding about my missed days!!!! :)

  • At Wednesday, January 25, 2006 2:55:00 PM, Blogger eyes_only4him

    hey now momma, I heard that sista..now I am crying just so you no..

    and melis,
    I agree that the hubby shouldnt tell ya what to do..them husbands can be pains in the rear most days..heehee

  • At Wednesday, January 25, 2006 3:02:00 PM, Blogger Melis

    Christina - Ummm.... sympathy is between shit and syphillis in the dictionary! :X LMAO Couldn't resist! And thank you for seeing my view! :)

  • At Wednesday, January 25, 2006 4:10:00 PM, Blogger momma of 2

    Now Christina... don't go making me out to be bad - I have yet to go to your blog on any given day and you not have an update... so your's was the first that came to mind... that's all...

    Momma of 2 - (who is now wondering did I dig myself out of that hole - or is my foot in my mouth up to my thigh?)

  • At Wednesday, January 25, 2006 4:59:00 PM, Blogger eyes_only4him

    all is forgiven momma. I was only joking...

    you know me, always trying to stir up trouble..hahaha

    oh, ahh, Hi melis..we love you:)

  • At Wednesday, January 25, 2006 9:41:00 PM, Blogger Melis

    Momma - Don't worry bout her, this here's my blog, and I say all's good! :) LOL

    Christina - Ummm... yeah! Thanks for remember I was here! LMAO

    Chic - THAT was exactly my issue!! And HOLY BATSHIT! I thought I was spending a lot on a carton paying $32!!!! You pay double what I do! Hmmm... I guess that means I have less of a reason to quit now! :X LOL

  • At Thursday, January 26, 2006 10:32:00 AM, Blogger CozyMama

    wait I thought you liked Ford???I must be confusing you with someone else......OH crap, your truck, now I member.....DUH!!! Well I like Ford. So there.....

    Long story short, Jess is freaked out by me blogging....thats all

  • At Thursday, January 26, 2006 11:12:00 AM, Blogger Melis

    Jodi - Me, FORD??? Oh hellll no! I'm a GM girl, born and raised till the day I die! :) I wouldn't PUSH your Ford with my GM! :)

    What's he freaked out about??