That would be exactly what time it is! My day today was both very productive, and yet pretty frustrating as well! I got a ton done around the house today! Several loads of laundry (even put away), the house picked up (several times), floors swept, kitchen floor swept and mopped, and 3/4 of the house dusted (only the livingroom left). Then after getting all that accomplished (with Rachelle's help every step of the way, of course!), it was time to get dinner rollin, myself and the kids fed, Jason's dinner put away for when he got home, then off to soccer practice with my son. I dropped him off out there, then drove from there clear out to my Mom's to drop off some wrapping paper that I'd picked up for her on Sunday (for my baby's Bday party). Wanted badly to stay and chat for a bit longer, but then I would have never made it back in time to pick Danny up from practice. I've come to the conclusion that... There just isn't a day that goes by that I don't seem to completely run out of that!
So after his practice was done (yes! I did get there with 10 minutes to spare!), we came home, he got showered, then it was to hitting the books. You guessed it! He still hadn't finished his homework for the nite yet, and wanted my help. Science yet! YUK! I was never really too awful interested in that. His homework had something to do with rocks or something. LOL
Geesh! I don't think I've backspaced and corrected my spelling so much in my life! Ya think it just might be because ?!?!
So, onward with my day... after the homework got done, and the kids & hubby got put to bed, I sit down and pay the bills. All caught up! Yeah! That's just such a wonderful feeling! ~for a change!~ Then I actually get to sit down and relax for a bit. Got through all my mail, and now I'm here! "The "!! Which isn't suprising to any of you reading this that know anything about me! LOL Makes my mornings a bit crazy, but what do ya do?! I'll probably hang around a bit after I get done posting this, just to wind down a little bit more so that I'll actually sleep when I head that way, instead of letting my mind race.
Well that was my day in a nutshell, and my brain just isn't working anymore to think about anything else going on with me right now! So to each of you...