31 August 2005
The day's done! Whew!

That would be exactly what time it is! My day today was both very productive, and yet pretty frustrating as well! I got a ton done around the house today! Several loads of laundry (even put away), the house picked up (several times), floors swept, kitchen floor swept and mopped, and 3/4 of the house dusted (only the livingroom left). Then after getting all that accomplished (with Rachelle's help every step of the way, of course!), it was time to get dinner rollin, myself and the kids fed, Jason's dinner put away for when he got home, then off to soccer practice with my son. I dropped him off out there, then drove from there clear out to my Mom's to drop off some wrapping paper that I'd picked up for her on Sunday (for my baby's Bday party). Wanted badly to stay and chat for a bit longer, but then I would have never made it back in time to pick Danny up from practice. I've come to the conclusion that... There just isn't a day that goes by that I don't seem to completely run out of that!

So after his practice was done (yes! I did get there with 10 minutes to spare!), we came home, he got showered, then it was to hitting the books. You guessed it! He still hadn't finished his homework for the nite yet, and wanted my help. Science yet! YUK! I was never really too awful interested in that. His homework had something to do with rocks or something. LOL

Geesh! I don't think I've backspaced and corrected my spelling so much in my life! Ya think it just might be because ?!?!

So, onward with my day... after the homework got done, and the kids & hubby got put to bed, I sit down and pay the bills. All caught up! Yeah! That's just such a wonderful feeling! ~for a change!~ Then I actually get to sit down and relax for a bit. Got through all my mail, and now I'm here! "The "!! Which isn't suprising to any of you reading this that know anything about me! LOL Makes my mornings a bit crazy, but what do ya do?! I'll probably hang around a bit after I get done posting this, just to wind down a little bit more so that I'll actually sleep when I head that way, instead of letting my mind race.

Well that was my day in a nutshell, and my brain just isn't working anymore to think about anything else going on with me right now! So to each of you...

posted by Melis at 12:17 AM | Permalink | 2 comments
29 August 2005
Busy day

I've had a pretty busy day so far. Busy, but good! I cleaned, and rearraged my room last nite, that being prompted by me getting really good deal on a bedding set! I think this is my favorite one that I've ever had! It just really looks nice in the bedroom. I'm quite the "bedding addict"! he he

Then today, I made sure to make my bed this morning right when I got up, cuz it just looks so nice. Got Rach going, then we played/cleaned up the family room a bit (which, of course, you can't tell now that I did anything!) Got myself around, then off to get Chels from school for her orthodontist appointment. That went really well. I was worried about having Rach with me, cuz Chelsea's appointment was a long one today, due to her getting her lower braces on (she also got metal on her tops, instead of the regular rubber band things they use now). But instead of Rach and I staying there while they did that, we ran up to the store, and I picked up a few things there. One of which was a dish rack thingy that you sit in the sink to do your dishes by hand. I've found after all these years of loving my dishwasher, that actually doing them by hand is really relaxing, so I'm excited about getting that too!

When we got home from her appointment, I checked the mail and my PartyLite books from a friend of mine were there! YEAH!! I'm really excited about looking through those, which I'm going to do here in just a minute while Rachelle is napping. Then I'll start on dinner, and do some more of that dreaded laundry! YUK!

I hope ya'll
posted by Melis at 3:35 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Funny Cartoon!
I just found this cartoon, and thought it was funny!! Yeah, I know... I have a strange sense of humor. But I forewarned ya'll in my intro, I told you that my mind was a scary place to be!!

posted by Melis at 12:50 AM | Permalink | 4 comments
From the mouth of a babe...
I'm going to start this post by saying that I'm not too sure how funny this is going to sound in type, but it was hilarious at the time! Here goes...

My oldest daughter was making fun of me because I had swatted at the same dang fly probably a hundred times, and he just wouldn't die! Then I gave the fly swatter to her, and she got him on the first try. So, I grabbed the fly swatter back from her, and acted like I was going to swat her a good one. At that exact same moment, my son walked in front of me, gasped, tripped over the throw pillow that was laying on the floor and fell. We all started laughing, with my son explaining that he'd tripped, not gotten scared of me swatting him! To which this conversation transpires...

Husband: How do you trip over a pillow?
Daughter: How do you trip over a lady bug?
Husband: Who did THAT?!
Daughter: Timmy Turner!! (Cartoon Character)

I have to add in here that my husband probably watches more cartoons than my two older kids do at this point! Ok, having said that...

Me: Ummmmm, honey? We need a divorce! You're making my kids stupid!
Daughter: You mean STUPID-ER!
We all start just rolling at her comment, since she meant to say something to put my husband down, and didn't realize that she put herself down. She is laughing just as hard, right along with us! Then thinks about what she's said, and says, "Errrrrrrrrrrr, WAIT! That's not better for me..."

The things kids say!! You would think that all the times they've heard their mother say "Think before you speak!" that it would have sunk in at one point or another! The whole thing was just too funny not to write about! I'm still laughing about it!
posted by Melis at 12:28 AM | Permalink | 2 comments
27 August 2005
Ut oh!
This was just too funny to not share with ya'll! When Jason walked in the door from work this afternoon, "early" again, I could tell by the expression on his face that something was terribly wrong. So I hung up the phone with his Dad, and asked him, "Honey, what's the matter?" The story that unfolded from that point had tears streaming down my face I was laughing so hard!

His reply to me was, "You don't want to know, and I'm not going to tell you! Because you'll just tell me how dumb I am!" Well, with a comment like that I just have to know now! So I continued to badger him about it, until he finally realized that I wasn't going to leave him alone until he told me. So at that point, he tosses me his cell phone, I flip it over and see that the LCD display on the outside is completely toast, and that there is scratches ALL over the front of the phone, but when I open it, everything's just fine there, and it works fine too. So, of course, I ask him again, "Honey, what happened?" He still didn't want to tell me, and I still wanted to know. He did finally break down and tells me.... (now here's "the rest of the story...")

He set his phone up on the roof of his car ( I know you can see where this is going!), set his bag, and cup inside the car, got in, drove off... then realizes that he didn't have his phone, and remembers that he put it on the roof. So he drives back to the parking lot, finds his phone laying there after being ran over by who knows how many vehicles now, and is pissed! I'm, of course just chuckling all over the place by this point, and do also tell him that it's no big deal, the phone still works, bla bla bla.

Well he's just sitting there. Then I realize that he pissed as all get out over a phone that he's been complaining about for weeks now. Hmmmmmm.... ?? So my mind quickly comes up with a whole different theory of what really happened. And I, of course, shared this information with him! he he That he hated the phone so much, that he, himself, layed it on the concrete of the parking lot, ran it over several times to smash it up beyond use, got back out of the car, and realized that all of us efforts to destroy his phone were in vain! And that he wasn't really pissed at what happened to his phone, but that his phone just "wouldn't die"! I know! Aren't I annoying!? I'm just literally in tears laughing at this point, him still sitting there not seeing the humor at all, when another thought pops in my head, and I say... "Just pisses you off don't it, that the damn phone "took a dingin', and kept on ringin"?!" Now come on! THAT was funny!!! He still wasn't amuzed, but I sure was!

So there's my little "Ut oh!" story for the day! I hope that you enjoyed it and got as much of a chuckle out of it as I still am!
posted by Melis at 8:17 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Relationship woes
No...not mine, personally! There just seems to be a ton of people around me that are just having all sorts of problems. Don't get me wrong! I'm more than glad that it's not me. It's just got me baffled. There are like 3 couples that I know of right this minute that are having problems, and it's all things that could be easily fixed. Things that just need to be compromised on, and worked through as a couple. I've told this to each of them in so many words, but they're just not seeming to get it.

My "ex brother and sister in law" (don't know what else to call them, really) have been going through marital issues of "another woman" for damn near two years now I guess, and I really think that they just both need to decide to pull it together or move on. I've seen from a distance what it's doing to not only them, but their three kids, and it's just not pretty!

Then hubby and I got a call from one of our closest friends a couple days ago telling us that they're pregnant. They seemed thrilled about it over the phone, and as if nothing could be more "right" in their world. They told us that they were going to postpone their wedding plans, and focus more on the baby right now (which I thought in their case was a smart move). Then I get a call from him tonite, all kinds of distraught, telling me that right then at that very moment, he didn't even want to be with her. I tried to explain to him that hormones, ect. are probably having a heavy play into her reactions/feelings with things, but that didn't seem to matter much. I hate it that they're having problems! Especially since there is a child invovled now!

Then there's another couple that just can't seem to get on the same page with eachother, that are planning on getting married in less than a year. That one really scares me! They are complete opposites (not saying that it doesn't work sometimes), and I just don't see them actually staying together if they continue on the path that they are. I really hope that they decide to wait on the whole wedding thing for awhile, and see where their relationship takes them first.

But on the flip side of all that drama... hubby and I couldn't be better!! I really feel that couples need to in what they have, and be thankful! I'm not saying that we don't have our "spats" and such, but we're always "fair" when we have them. We don't attack eachother, or drudge up the past and throw it in eachother face. We always never go to bed upset about things, they're always worked out, and we never walk away and "call it quits" in the middle of something like that. I think that communication in a relationship is one of the most important, useful tools that a couple has!

I feel so content in my life right now. Like everything is "in it's place", where it should be.. where it was meant to be! And that is one of the most incredible feelings in the world! I've learned to be thankful for all the things that I have, not material things, but the love, friendships, and relationships that I have in my life. Those are the important things in life... the things that noone can take away, and you can never replace!

posted by Melis at 2:09 AM | Permalink | 1 comments
Nice evening...
I'm still up (big surprise!), so I figured I'd post again on here and tell ya'll about my evening...

... ahhh, what a beutiful sound!

Jason actually got home from work "early" today, and he went and measured out the basement when he got home for that long overdue room that's going to be built down there. I'm so excited about that it's hard to contain myself! Our 2 yo had really no other place to "room" other than in ours for the past 2 years, so I'm really excited about getting her into her own room. I'm sure it's going to be quite the adjustment perioud for her, but it'll be worth it in the long run (even the trecks I'm going to have to make up and down the stairs). My oldest is probably as syched about this whole thing as I am, cuz it'll be her room down there, and it'll be bigger than what she has right now.

Anyway... so he did that, then my "ex-sister-in-law" comes by with one of her kids that I'm going to have for the weekend, so that her and her hubby (my ex's twin) can go up north for a "marriage retreat". As she leaves (of course not without making comments about "the other woman" first), hubby takes off to to price out the lumber and stuff, and to stop on his way home for pizza. We all have dinner, then the boys (my son and nephew) have me take them to rent a couple of games and I decide after I'm there to splurge and get us a couple of movies to watch as well.

The movie was AWESOME!! We watched "Million Dollar Baby", and the only thing that could have made it better, was for us to have not had to pause the damn thing LITERALLY 18 times! LOL The other movie I rented was "Aviator", which I've heard nothing but awesome things about as well. I can't wait to watch that one with hubby too!
posted by Melis at 1:25 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
26 August 2005

and most important? Well, I'm not too sure of the importance, but it is the first. And being the first, I'll tell you a little more about myself. I'm 34 yo wife and mother, married to the most incredible man that has ever been put on this earth for almost 4 years now, but we've been together 6. He is USAFR for the past 3 years, only after we spent the first four of our relationship (one married) apart due to him being Active Duty and on the other side of the country. I can't say that I LOVE him being military, but I can very proudly say that my husband sacrifices a LOT to fight for the American way of life! I have two gorgeous children from my first marriage of almost 9 years,a daughter (12) & a son (10), and my husband now and I have a gorgeous daughter together (2). They are my heart and soul hands down, what I live for every day!
posted by Melis at 2:06 PM | Permalink | 0 comments