To my darling love of my life! Yeppers! Today my hubby hit's the BIG.... 2 9! LOL Yeah, he's just a baby! And yes! He hatessss it when I say that to him! But he always knows I mean it in the nicest way possible! he he I truely hope that even though it's a Monday, that he had an incredibly wonderful day today, he truly deserves it! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY LOVE!!! HSB, F & A!!!
Tomorrow will be a busy, but fun day! :) My daughter is in choir (and the honors choir) and they have their Choir Festival tomorrow. I went along for their workshop to help out as a chaperone and my daughter came home last week and told me that her instructor asked her if I would mind chaperoning again for this trip. It's one thing to volunteer to do this stuff for my kids, but I have to admit that it's so flattering to be requested to do it! :) It's going to be a long day, starting at about 530 am *yawwwnnn* (I'm sooo NOT a morning person), and we won't return to the school until until the end of the school day (around 3). Then my daughter has an orthodontist appt that we'll have to leave for around 430, my son has Drama Club (yes! right where he needs to be! LOL) that gets over at 5, then they will be going with their Dad tomorrow nite for the last local woman's college game of the year. So although my day is packed full, the kids' day is even fuller! They will be exhausted by the time they get home tomorrow nite. It exhausts me just thinking about it! LOL
On to other things. I'm contimplating making an outlandish purchase... a Dyson. What do ya'll think about those?? I've read, and read, and read some more about those damn things, and I still have yet to come across a bad thing said about 'em, other than the price. But even with that issue, every consumer review that I've read has stated "Well worth every penny! I'd spend the money again!" Ya'll must know by now that I am just a little bit of a neat freak at times (did anyone but me notice in my stove pic that my counter tops shined?! LOL), and this damn Dyson I've been wanting for a long, long time... I just don't know if I can justify the price. Let me know what ya'll think!
I'll be sure to let ya'll know how tomorrow goes, and how well the kids did at their festival! :)
Until then...