31 January 2006
My weekend
It was a long trip, and my back more than paid the price for being in the same position for that long. But I'd still do it in a heartbeat! :) I know that I promised ya'll pics of the gifts that I made for them. But the only ones I took were of them opening them, and I don't have their permission to post their pics on here, so I won't. Sorry. But they did love them! She even cried when she was reading the poems that went with 'em! :) The baby shower was wonderful, and everyone ooooo'd and ahhhh'd that I'd drove so far to be there. That always makes a person feel good! he he

Things around here ended up ok. But I've learned that I just can't go away again! LOL I got more phone calls while I was gone in that day span than I ever thought I would! Why is it that people can't function without a woman there??? LOL But everything turned out ok in the long run, and I was glad to be home by the time I got back. I really missed my hubby, even though he drove me crazy with the calls while I was gone. :) Which is a good thing. *wink*

So there ya have it.. my weekend in a nutshell! Thank you all for all the well wishes on my trip, too! Hope ya'll had a good one, too!

Until then....
posted by Melis at 12:30 AM | Permalink | 5 comments
Daily Maxine
posted by Melis at 12:07 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
30 January 2006
As I said..
I was working on a new dress for this here blog. And here it is! I've never done one like this before, and at first I thought that I'd bitten off more than I could chew. Especially when my good bud couldn't figure some of the code out. But I guess it was meant to happen because I'd left for my trip a little more than frustrated after trying to get the pieces of this template to come together for hours. Then got home, and she'd worked on it some while I was gone, and still no luck. But then I opened up my test blog, and just starting typing, and low and behold, the blog gods were on my side this time! LOL

Ya'll will have to know what you think of this one! It was hard work on my part, or at least a lot harder work than my other ones ever were! :)

Until then...
posted by Melis at 2:05 AM | Permalink | 9 comments
27 January 2006
Fixin to go...
Well, my two crafty gifts for the happy parents to be turned out wonderful. Once I get back in town I'll throw some pics up of 'em so ya'll can see! :) I can't wait to see what they think! The Momma and me are going to go out shopping tonite after I get there, so I'm excited about that, too! :) Plus the fact of getting to see the both of them, I haven't seen them in about a year now! **big smiles**

I hope ya'll have a wonderful weekend, and keep me in your thoughts that I make it there (I'll explain that later), and in one piece. Until then.......

edit: One side note... I (and a good friend)are working on a new dress for my blog, so hopefully I'll have that for ya'll to see soon as well! :)
posted by Melis at 12:52 PM | Permalink | 3 comments
24 January 2006
Caught up, and stuff
Ok, I'm caught up... again! Psssttt... look down there, there's new posts for the 22nd and 23rd, too! LOL I just love the change date feature that blogger gives ya! *wink* I know that if I keep these missed couple days up that some of you are just going to leave me forever and break my heart, so I'm going to try really hard not to let that happen from now on! I'm sorry! Forgive me??

I've been really busy around the house the last couple days trying to get things ahead of schedule around here because I'm going to be out of town over the weekend. I'm actually really excited about my little trip, even though I'm going to spend 9 hours round trip driving alone. This will be the first time that I've gone... anywhere since before hubby was home for good. And he's never had to do it alone with the house and kids... ever! Plus, my 13 yo will be having 4 of her girlfriends over Sat for a birthday/slumber party and I won't be getting back home until a least 9-10 pm!! I don't know if I'm more anxious about getting away, or more anxious to see how hubby deals with everything without me for over 24 hours! LOL I know, I'm evil! But.. I am getting everything taken care of before I leave, so that takes away some of the evilness of the whole thing, right?! LOL

Onto a little rant from me. Hubby decides yesterday at work (after taking a pack of MY ciggys with him to work) that he's going to quit smoking cold turkey, so proceeds to just give away all but a few of the brand new pack that he has. He then calls me on his way home from work to let me in on the little secret and also informs me that we'll both be quitting!! Ummmmmm... yeah, right! LOL He's logic for me quitting is one.. I quit for the nine months that I was preggo (of course, with my last one even the smell of smoke made me puke!), plus, I only smoke on avg 2 packs..... a week! OK, ok. So the last one is probably a valid point, and actually one that I've said to myself time and time again. Especially since I don't even actually smoke THAT much in a week, most of the time I light 'em while sitting here, and they just burn. BUT! He can't make the decision for me, and I told him so tonite when I went and bought myself another pack. Now he's just plain pissed at me that I'm not quitting... because he says so! WTH?! I'm sorry... I just don't see how that's right! Am I wrong here???

Ok.. that's all from me today. Please don't forget that I'll be away over the weekend (leaving Fri afternoon), so you may or may not get a post from me Friday or Saturday. This advance notice should get me an excused absence, right???? *wink*

posted by Melis at 2:04 AM | Permalink | 12 comments
Daily Maxine
posted by Melis at 1:53 AM | Permalink | 2 comments
23 January 2006

Pre-school children were asked the following question:

"In which direction is the bus pictured below traveling?"

Look carefully at the picture.

Do you know the answer?

The only possible answers are "left" and "right."



Think about it ..






Still don't know?





The pre-schoolers all answered "left."

When asked, "Why do you think the bus is traveling in the left direction?" they answered:

"Because you can't see the door."

Feel pretty silly now, don't you?

Oh, and you're welcome! LOL
posted by Melis at 2:00 AM | Permalink | 1 comments
22 January 2006
Things that make ya go...
hmmmmmmmmm! Ok ya'll, here's one that'll really make ya think!

Count, wait, watch then count again!

Have fun trying to figure it out!
posted by Melis at 1:55 AM | Permalink | 1 comments
21 January 2006
Who woulda thunk it!
We decided to splurge tonite since it was just the three of us (hubby, lil one, and myself) and hubby ran through the drive thru at McD's. We didn't have much to splurge with so we just got stuff off the dollar menu, and the lil one got a "hammy". So we're sitting there at the dining room table, and the lil one is eating better than she has in I can't even remember how long, especially for it being a "hammy". Usually she gets more interested in taking the thing apart then actually eating it! But not tonite, tonite you would have thought the poor baby had been stranded on a deserted island for months with no food! LOL

We're finishing up dinner, lil one is ready to be done, and she says to hubby, "Ok Daddy! Where's my toy?" Uhhhhh... now what do we do!?!?! We didn't do the Happy Meal thing this time cuz she's never interested in the toys for more than a blink of an eye, and she rarely eats even about half of the "hammy", let alone the fries or drink! Hubby's sitting there and finally squeeks out, "Ummmm, there is no toy honey." To which she very adamently replies, "Yes, Daddy! The toy is in the box!!" Ok... Who woulda thunk it! My darling two year old knows that she's suppose to be getting a toy, and knows where to get it from! However cheesy it is, it's a toy non the less! So I ever so quietly walk into the family room where she has a TON of little "Happy Meal quality" toys, grab the first thing I saw (a rubber bouncy ball, like out of the quarter, or should I say dollar, machines), go back into the dining room where hubby is still arguing with the two year old, and say "Yes, Daddy! They giving little bouncy balls this time, I bet it's in the bottom of the bag...**insert searching through bag here** Yep! Here it is!" and hand the lil one the ball. She has just been starring at me like I'm some kind of fool this whole time, takes the ball, then walks into the family room with it, directly over to where I got that ball from and says, "Hmph! Look! I have a bunch of these balls!" LMAO Again, who would have thought that the two year old would realize that I was tryin to be sneaky! HMPH! Right back at her! lmao

Then a little bit later the phone rings. I have a few people set up with special ringtones, and it happened to be my ex. Hubby grabs the phone and I hear "Hello. Yeah. Yeah. Ok. Alright. Talk to ya later, Bud!" Ok.... BUD??? WTH?! He can't even stand my ex! LOL So I ask him, "So... ya'll are "buds" now huh?" And before he could even take a breath to answer me, the little one (not even really pay attention, playing with her doll house) says, "Nooooo! Not Buds!" I about DIED right there on the spot! LMAO Again... who'd a thunk it...

posted by Melis at 8:46 PM | Permalink | 7 comments
Daily Maxine
posted by Melis at 8:30 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
20 January 2006
Man in the beans...
I received this in my email awhile ago, and I just had to share this with ya'll. I will tell you that I must have opened this email everyday for a week, at LEAST, before I ever seen the "man in the beans". But the time that I did find him, I'd only had to email open for a few seconds and it jumped out at me like the boogy man! So I'm not sure what exactly this is suppose to mean as far as the timing thing, am I smart, or more dumb then the box of rocks my kids collected?? I'm truely not messing with ya on this one...

Find the man between the coffee beans. Doctors have concluded that if
you find the man in 3 seconds that the right half of your brain is
better developed than most people. If you find the man between three seconds and one minute, then the right half of your brain is developed normally. If you find the man between one minute and three minutes, then the right half of your brain is
functioning slowly and you need to eat more protein. If you have not found the man after three minutes the right half of your brain is a mess, and the only advise is to look more for these types of exercises to make that part of the brain stronger.
The man is really there. (Time Yourself......it's pretty cool)!

posted by Melis at 8:01 PM | Permalink | 1 comments
Daily Maxine
posted by Melis at 7:58 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
19 January 2006
Still worries...
After six years being together, and four years married, my darling hubby still worries when he sees strange things on the computer. Let me explain...

The day before yesterday I went into my Yahoo mail to clean it out, I don't use it, but I go there and delete all the junk mail... I know, my OCD! LOL Well, I usually don't look in the spam folder, I usually just hit the empty button and call it good. Well, that nite I was bored, so I took a look-see, and there was an email in there from some chic that said that she seen "my" profile on a "hook-up" website and wanted to get to know "me" better. Now I'll have to back track just a tad. Hubby's Dad has an account there, and there was a time that he wanted us to see a picture of a "potential" girlfriend, but we couldn't see it unless we made an account. So we did, both of us, sitting at the computer together. I remember this vividly, and we did one hellofa hillarous profile! LOL But I couldn't remember exactly what it said. So, naturally, I went to sign into the account, to reread what we'd wrote up. And dammit if I couldn't! Well then last nite I tried logging into it again, and still couldn't, and couldn't get the damn site to send me my password either! Grrr! lol

Then I come in here while hubby was on the computer, and I see that he's looking in my mail folders.. no big deal, I don't care, but it's odd! He knows that the only things that are in any of them of graphics stuff for my PSP. So, naturally, I asked him what he was looking for, and that's when he finally asked me about seeing in history that I went to that "hook up" website... and he was obviously concerned that I was there! lol

Ok, might just be me, but I found that just too adorable! He's not one to be jealous, so when these things happen, I really revel in them! LOL And the expression on his face when I told him about the whole thing was completely priceless in itself! He really didn't know what to say then! LOL

Until next time...

posted by Melis at 11:53 PM | Permalink | 6 comments
Daily Maxine
posted by Melis at 11:37 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
18 January 2006
My oldest daughter's birthday was yesterday (why I wasn't around), she's now 13!! I'm telling you, I'm just NOT old enough to have a child that is that old!! No really! I'm not! She had a pretty good day. Her birthday actually started on Saturday, my Mom came and got her early Saturday morning and they had a shopping day, just the two of them. My Mom does such a good job at spoiling my kids, that not only did she take her shopping for clothes, she also took her to have her hair done, cuz shorter, layered, and permed! Her first time with the layers and perm. She looks cute, though.. but a LOT older! UGH! lol Then we had her family party on Sunday, got some nice gifts there, too. Then cake and ice cream and our gift to her yesterday. We got her a cordless phone for her room, she's THRILLED! lmao

My son has been going through some sleepless nites here lately, and they're really taking their toll on poor 'ol Mom. He's the one that never really dealt too well with his Dad and I getting divorced. He's my tender soul, and it shows! It's gotten to the point that I've had to put aside my push-over-ness, and lay the law down. Now if he gets up out of his bed, he gets grounded. Ugh! He got grounded the first nite of this! But so far, so good after that! :) I really hate being a hardass with my kids... anyone else, and I have no problem at all! LOL

I leave you all with a funny I came across! Enjoy & Happy Humping errr... Hump day! :)

posted by Melis at 10:22 PM | Permalink | 9 comments
Daily Maxine
posted by Melis at 10:19 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
16 January 2006
What am I?? LOL








WHAT AM I???????


> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >

TOOTHBRUSH......... what were you thinking?


Oh yeah! I would have LOVED to have been a fly on the wall and seen ya'lls expression as you were reading this! LMAO!!! I LIVE for doing stuff like this to people... shock value is just FANTABULOUS!!! he he

posted by Melis at 3:25 PM | Permalink | 4 comments
Daily Maxine
posted by Melis at 3:21 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
15 January 2006
Been tagged again...
and promised that I would try to get to this one tonite. So here goes, HT's Meme...

"The first player of this game starts with the topic five weird habits of yourself and people who get tagged need to write an entry about their five weird habits as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next five people to be tagged and link to their web journals."

  1. I have to make sure the salt & pepper shakers are sitting correctly. It's "Salt & Pepper" for cryin outloud!! NOT "Pepper & Salt"!!!!
  2. I have to dry off the stainless steel sink (and the faucet) with a paper towel after washing it out or doing dishes in it to make sure there is no water spots. THEN I FREAK OUT IF SOMEONE USES IT! If they do, they hear about it, and I'm RIGHT behind them drying it out again.
  3. All mail has to be opened neatly with a letter opener, or a knife. I really get stressed out when I find an envelope that has just been torn into!
  4. Shirts should be hung facing to the left on the hanger. If I walk into the closet, and even one is facing the wrong way, I spot it immediately and it has to be fixed! It's just the right way to hang things people... com'on!
  5. Clothes have to be hung in the closet with like articles. IE: shirt with shirts, pants with pants, ect. And the also have to go color order, from lightest to darkest.

So there ya'll have it! Now I figure I'll see a drop in visits here, since you all have gotten a small glimpse into what a true obessive compulsive person I am! Which I truely don't think I am, that's just what I'm told! *wink* And I'm not going to tag anyone, as most all of the people I know in blog land have already been tagged. So if ya haven't, and ya do it, PLEASE let me know so that I can stop by and try to find someone who's worse than me! LOL

posted by Melis at 1:01 AM | Permalink | 6 comments
14 January 2006
101 things about Melis
I've meant to do this for a very long time now, but didn't think I could actually come up with 101 things about me. It only took me about 2.5 hours to do, but alas, here it is! I know I'm a freak, so just be nice, k? Thanks! :)

1. I have naturally blonde hair.

2. I have only dyed my hair twice in my life, once for my hubby, then the second time trying to get it back to my natural color.

3. I have one sibling, a brother, who is 1 year, 6 months, and 28 days older than me.

4. I have never wanted a sister.

5. I am just a tad obsessive about cleaning, and things being in their place.

6. I use to vacuum the house at least 5-6 times a day.

7. I am not that obsessive anymore, once or twice a day is plenty now.

8. I have to have lines in the carpet when I vacuum, and it has to done in neat "rows".

9. I was malled by a dog when I was a child around 6-7 years old.

10. I received over 300 stitches inside and outside my leg from above said dog bite.

11. I still love dogs, and own two right now.

12. I wanted to be a "Mommy" when I grew up, and have two kids, a daughter first (so she didn't have to be the little sister).

13. I graduated high school and was engaged in 1989.

14. I graduated college and was married in 1991.

15. I had my first child (daughter), in 1993.

16. I had my second child (son), in 1995.

17. I left my husband in 1999.

18. I was officially divorced Jan, 2001 (we stayed legally married for a year so that he could file as married on taxes and get more money back).

19. I did the long distant relationship thing for very close to three years.

20. I was remarried, to the love of my life, Dec. 2001.

21. I spent the first year married to my new husband 939.6 miles away from him.

22. I drove home with my husband for good Dec. 2002.

23. I had my third child (daughter) in Sept. 2003.

24. I have lived in this town for all but about 2-3 years of my life, and that time
I only lived about 5-10 mins from here.

25. I have mood eyes, sometime they are blue, sometimes they are green, but they always have a brown ring around the pupil.

26. I met my current husband in FireTalk (an online voice chat program) in a karoke room.

27. I have been arrested once in my life. (for stealing $12, that I put back before I was "caught")

28. I hope to one day (SOON) have a breast reduction.

29. I have severe back problems (see previous).

30. I have to have the light switches have to be in their proper positions.

31. I have to have the screws for the switch plates horizontal.

32. I have to have the pictures of my kids from oldest to youngest on the walls (either oldest top to bottom, or left to right).

33. I have to have the salt & pepper shakers placed in that order...salt, then pepper.

34. I am a nite owl.

35. I am actually a shy person until I get to know you.. Then, watch out!

36. I have two best friends (aside from hubby), and they're both male.

37. I love making graphics and animations with PSP.

38. I have to dry out the stainless kitchen sick with a paper towel after I wash it or do dishes in it.

39. I hate tomatoes, but love ketchup, and tomato based sauces.

40. I am polish, German, Irish, and English.

41. I was grounded the last two weeks before I was married (I was 20, and graduated college).

42. I was four years younger than my first husband.

43. I am 6 years and 22 days older than my husband.

44. I once stayed up for 4 days.

45. I love giving gifts.

46. I love jumping out at and scaring people.

47. I was denied entry to preschool because I was too smart.

48. I love using a ten key calculator (especially with the print on).

49. I have always been fascinated with the state of Texas.

50. I have always been fascinated with Military men.

51. I married a man in the Air Force that's from Texas (my current hubby).

52. I have only been to TX once.

53. I always have cold feet and hands at nite, even in the summer.

54. I hate mornings (not just as an expression, I'd rather sleep then, and be up at nite).

55. I had two days with my current husband after we were married before he had to go back to the base.

56. I have never broken any bones.

57. I went back to work two weeks after having my youngest daughter.

58. I love my name, Melissa, but love being called "Melis" more.

59. I've smoked since I was 13.

60. I won the "longest married" prise at my 10 year high school reunion (we were split up 5 months later).

61. I have a neighbor that I've known since the 4th grade and went to grade school and high school with.

62. I went to a Catholic school.

63. I hated wearing the uniforms at the Catholic school.

64. I have had long hair the majority of my life.

65. I have the same hair style now that I did in high school.

66. I refuse to wear a slip with a dress (my mother hates that!).

67. I very rarely wear a dress.

68. I love lounging in my pjs.

69. I love the smell of things freshly painted.

70. I love the smell of wood burning.

71. I love the smell of new carpet.

72. I love the smell of puppy breath.

73. I love the smell of Baby Magic on babies.

74. I love to have fingers ran through my hair.

75. I detest the sound of my hubby rubbing his feet together.

76. I love snow mobileing.

77. I love motorcyles.

78. I love going fast.

79. I had a four door, flat powder blue Mercury Comet as one of my first cars (I hated it when I first seen it, then loved it when I drove it and found out how fast it was).

80. I would love to be a councilor of some sort.

81. I love to listen to live bands.

82. I drink Tequilla straight, no salt, no lime.

83. I love to sing (even though I shouldn't sing outloud).

84. I prefer to have music playing when I clean.

85. I am horrible with directions.

86. I love my truck, it's a 2002 GMC 1500 stepside (the only vehicle I've ever bought brand new).

87. I am "Daddy's girl", through and through.

88. I hate having mail ripped open, it has to be opened with a letter opener or a knife.

89. I hate it when hangers on left in a "clothes spot" after taking clothes off the hanger.

90. I'm a huge procrastinater, and almost late to everything.

91. I would beg my Mom to give me perms when I was younger (she's a Cosmetologist), then cry hysterically when we were done because I thought my hair was "too poofy", and wash it right away.

92. I've only had my hair done in a salon a couple times in my life, and dont' know how to tell them what to do.

93. I spoil my kids beyond belief, I've never grounded them and had it stick.

94. I once gave like $200 to a fundraiser my kids were doing because they SO wanted to have there name entered in a contest to go to Disney for selling that amt.

95. I have to group the empty hangers with their like hangers in the laundry room (lightweight wire, heavyweight wire, & plastic).

96. I once received a ticket for running a "stale green light", and was such a chicken I wouldn't fight it, and just paid the fine.

97. I witnessed a young child (in about the 2nd grade) get hit by a full size van when I was in about the 4th grade.

98. I have testified in court once in my life (regarding the accident mentioned above).

99. I have a hard time remembering things from my childhood.

100. I had a now Elvis impersonator as the stipper at my bachlorette party.

101. I have to have shirts hung so that the front is facing the left as they're hung in the closet, if they're not, I'll redo them.

posted by Melis at 11:38 PM | Permalink | 5 comments
Daily Maxine
posted by Melis at 11:36 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
13 January 2006
Braggin... again! he he
Ok, I know ya'll probably don't want to hear me bragging some more.. but I just can't help myself! I don't know where this is coming from, OR how long it will last. So having said that, here's my story..

I have to tell ya'll a story from a few years ago first, for you to understand the TRUE meaning behind this. Before hubby was home for good, we did the "long distance relationship" thing for 3.5 years (I know! You still don't know the rest of that story). One of the times that he as home on leave, he was only here for a week, and the day came for me to take him to the airport... again! *pout* When I returned home, all sad, and boo-hooin, cuz, of course, I didn't have any idea WHEN I'd get to see him again, I went to make myself a pot of coffee, got up in the cupboard to get a filter, and inside the stack of filters there sat a VERY sweet loving letter saying something to the effect of; "If you're reading this, then I'm on a plane heading back to the base. I miss you so much already you have no idea....". It went on and on about how much he loved me, and how he couldn't wait for the next time he'd get to hold me in his arms, ect. AWWWWWWWWW!

Ok.. having told you THAT story. This afternoon, I layed the lil one down for her nap, and went to make myself a pot of coffee and when I got in the cupboard.... YOU GUESSED IT! This is what I found!

As I said at the beginning of this post.. I honestly don't know where this is coming from all the sudden... but I'm SURELY not complaining! he he I don't think he knows what kind of horrific withdrawls he's going to have to deal with if he suddenly makes me give this kind of thing up cold turkey after having it for two days in a row! But shhhhh... don't tell him that! lmao

Hope ya'll have a FANTABULOUS weekend!! HAPPY FRIDAY!!

posted by Melis at 8:13 PM | Permalink | 8 comments
Daily Maxine
posted by Melis at 8:10 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
I was tagged...
by Christina.. to show the contents of my purse. So here ya have it! There was actually more in that tiny thing than what I had thought. Hmmmmm! LOL

But I am what some refer to as a "neat freak", and others "anal retentive", LOL, so I suppose I shouldn't be too surprised that I VERY NEATLY fit everything in there. Here's what there is (from the top, going from left to right, cuz that's how you should go)...
a coupon for free Dixie Cream donuts (didn't remember I had that!)
key chain that snaps in the purse (yes, with no keys!)
the mirror that snaps in the purse (no, I've never used it!)
my debit card, Penny's card, Martin's card, and the silly paper card that came in the purse
recent receipts that I haven't recorded in the checkbook yet
my drivers license and the calculator that came in the purse
my wad of Christmas receipts
the program from my sons Christmas Concert at school
my Cell phone
my checkbook, my daughters extra "christmas tree" (lil tooth brush thingy for her braces), and also on top of my checkbook is a nasty looking old piece of Kix cereal (yep! I have a lil one!)
the scrap paper I used while Christmas shopping for my kids to make sure they were all "even" with gifts
a mooshy card from one of my best friends (a different guy than the one I've posted about)
small thingy of Kleenex
2 pens (black ink, of course!)
an old shipping receipt from Christmas shopping
2 tampons (cuz I'm notorious for never having one when I need it.. or remember that I have them in the bottom of my tiny purse!) LOL
My sons letter to Santa that I "mailed" for him (Yes! From this year! I'm doing good, huh?!)
Buttons (that my Mom picked up for me a couple months ago for my daughter's coat)
my change purse (with no change in it!)
and my wallet (with no money in it!)

So there ya have it! I actually found this one a fun one to do! Hope ya'll enjoyed snooping around in my purse! :)

posted by Melis at 1:48 AM | Permalink | 4 comments
12 January 2006
Ok... Christina requested to hear something Rock n Roll, and although I know this isn't what she meant.. it is a song by Aerosmith. And since I'm in an all kinds of mushy mood today with the lil note from hubby that I woke up to, this is what ya'll get. Now, you need to know that this song, and my hubby singing it is how we got together. But that's a whole long story for another post! (I know, I promised ya'll that story awhile ago, and I will delivery... sooner or later!) LOL There is NO MUSIC.. it's just him and I singing together.. so you've been warned! :)

this is an audio post - click to play

And here's the little lil note that I referred to above. How sweet is he?!?! :)

Note: Translation (if ya can't read his "doctor's handwriting") LOL
"Have a good day Baby!!
I love you more than you know
HSB....forever & Always!!!
posted by Melis at 1:53 PM | Permalink | 8 comments
Daily Maxine
posted by Melis at 1:39 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
11 January 2006
Jumpin on the audio wagon...
Ok ya'll... here ya go for your listening pleasure (so long as you have your earplugs in!) LOL Me, singin... "Without You"
this is an audio post - click to play
posted by Melis at 2:49 PM | Permalink | 6 comments
Ya'll are too sweet...
Ya'll really know how to make a chic feel loved, don't ya! I want ya'll to know that I really enjoy the friendships, and stories, and laughs, and just daily bullshit that we share. I actually look forward to stopping by each of your "place", having a cup of coffee or two with ya (ya'll didn't know we did that, did ya?!) and enjoying the company of friends. It also helps to know that I'm not the only crazy woman, with a crazy family out there! LOL I found this poem, and I want to share it with ya'll. I think it applies to us, as we all, at one time or another, open up a part of ourselves, share our stories, and ask for advice. Enjoy!

"Portrait of a Friend"

I can't give solutions to all of life's problems, doubts,
Or fears. But I can listen to you, and together we will
Search for answers.

I can't change your past with all it's heartache and pain,
Nor the future with its untold stories.
But I can be there now when you need me to care.

I can't keep your feet from stumbling.
I can only offer my hand that you may grasp it and not fall.

Your joys, triumphs, successes, and happiness are not mine;
Yet I can share in your laughter.

Your decisions in life are not mine to make, nor to judge;
I can only support you, encourage you,
And help you when you ask.

I can't prevent you from falling away from friendship,
From your values, from me.
I can only pray for you, talk to you and wait for you.

I can't give you boundaries which I have determined for you,
But I can give you the room to change, room to grow,
Room to be yourself.

I can't keep your heart from breaking and hurting,
But I can cry with you and help you pick up the pieces
And put them back in place.

I can't tell you who you are.
I can only love you and be your friend.

Thanks, again, Samantha for the tag!
posted by Melis at 1:15 PM | Permalink | 6 comments
Daily Maxine
posted by Melis at 1:13 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
10 January 2006
To make you smile...
Since Blogger has been screwing with me the last couple days, and wouldn't let me actually post the stuff I typed out, or pictures, or comments... OR ANYTHING! Ok, still a touchy subject.. we'll move on! LOL Here's 30 lines to make you smile! :)

1.. My husband and I divorced over religious differences. He thought he was God and I didn't.
2.. I don't suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it.
3.. I Work Hard Because Millions On Welfare Depend on Me!
4.. Some people are alive only because it's illegal to kill them.
5.. I used to have a handle on life, but it broke.
6.. Don't take life too seriously; No one gets out alive.
7.. You're just jealous because the voices only talk to me
8.. Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder.
9.. Earth is the insane asylum for the universe.
10.. I'm not a complete idiot -- Some parts are just missing.
11.. Out of my mind. Back in five minutes.
12.. NyQuil, the stuffy, sneezy, why-the-heck-is-the-room-spinning medicine.
13.. God must love stupid people; He made so many.
14.. The gene pool could use a little chlorine.
15.. Consciousness: That annoying time between naps.
16.. Ever stop to think, and forget to start again?
17.. Being "over the hill" is much better than being under it!
18.. Wrinkled Was Not One of the Things I Wanted to Be When I Grew up.
19.. Procrastinate Now!
20.. I Have a Degree in Liberal Arts; Do You Want Fries With That?
21.. A hangover is the wrath of grapes.
22.. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a cash advance
23.. Stupidity is not a handicap. Park elsewhere!
24.. They call it PMS because MadCow Disease was already taken.
25.. He who dies with the most toys is nonetheless dead.
26.. A picture is worth a thousand words, but it uses up three thousand times the memory.
27.. Ham and eggs. A day's work for a chicken, a lifetime commitment for a pig.
28.. The trouble with life is there's no background music.
29.. The original point and click interface was a Smith and Wesson.
30.. I smile because I don't know what the hell is going on .

posted by Melis at 9:32 PM | Permalink | 3 comments
Daily Maxine
posted by Melis at 9:29 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
07 January 2006
I was on the phone tonite/this morning with my best friend, and this conversation we had a few months back come up. It was when I was still pretty new to "Blog Land", and it's just so touching to me that I wanted to repost it for those of you that are new, or newer readers of mine. He truely is a blessing in my life.....

06 September 2005
He made me cry

My best friend called me on the phone last nite and was telling me about a conversation that he'd had with one of his long time friends from high school. I guess I'll have to back track a little bit and explain some things about him and I first...

His wife (who he's currently going through a break up with) didn't, and wouldn't, deal with him being friends with a female, so I just couldn't call him whenever I wanted to, he would call me whenever he'd have the opportunity. There is nothing that I didn't know about him, and nothing that he didn't know about me. We could just be ourselves with eachother, as true friends should be. There wasn't anything that I couldn't say to him, and vise versa. Ok having said that...

His long time friend from high school was a female as well, and he'd never mentioned me to her before because she lived there, and he didn't want things getting back to wife that would cause problems, which I knew, understood, and was completely ok with. I would never do anything to cause him hurt, or problems in his life, just as he wouldn't me. Well, now that he's going through this break up, he told her about me, and asked her if she were married to him after knowing about me, would she have a problem with mine and his relationship (she is happily married, so it wasn't like that). She told him that she didn't think so, because he was upfront about it, ect. And he then told her that now that things are the way that they are (the breakup) that he would never be with someone that wouldn't accept our relationship, that I was just that important to him, and that he would never have it be where I couldn't call his home 24/7 for any reason.

He then makes the comment to me "I know it's not much, but I just wanted you to know that. I want you to know that you're important to me, and mean a lot to me!" That is when I had to start choking back the tears. You have to know that he is the type of guy that just doesn't get all "mushy", he doesn't make comments like that. But he also doesn't ever say something he doesn't truely mean from his heart. He has been there for me through thick and thin, happy and sad, good and bad for the past 7-8 years. He is my life best friend (second to my hubby)!! At that point I'm just silent on the phone, and he asks me if I'm still there. I choke out "yeah", and he asks me if I'm crying. I, of course, say NO! I don't cry, dammit! So, him being him, asks me if my eyes are watering. LOL

It was a touching moment, and one that I will never forget all my life! I love him to death, and miss him tons!! I wish that everyone has just as wonderful a friend!!
posted by Melis at 2:15 PM
posted by Melis at 2:19 AM | Permalink | 2 comments
Daily Maxine
posted by Melis at 1:35 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
05 January 2006
She SLEPT...
ALL THROUGH THE NITE!!!! YIPPIE! Now if I could just sleep! Uggg! Me being sick right along with her really drained me, as I'm sure all of you have been though at one time or another! My body is just completely S P E N T! Just wanted to pop in to give ya'll on update on her. She's doing better, not great, but better non the less. I've got her temp to stablize around 99ish, and I can deal with that... she seems to be as well, so that's good. She's actually napping right now as well, she needs it, poor baby! She still doesn't have all her color back in her face, but her eyes aren't quite as glassy, so that's good too! We're on our way back to "normal"... yippie!! I really miss my smiling, happy go lucky lil girl! Now just to get me back to "normal". I'm sure hubby can't wait, cuz I'm a real bitch when I'm sick, let alone when I'm worried about her. He was just incredible yesterday... he got home from work, asked me how we were both doing, then told me to go to bed. I got up around 830ish to find that he'd made dinner for them, he made me a bite to eat, and he was doing some laundry. He also stayed up until about 10 (he should have been in bed around 8), said he wanted to stay up to make sure her and I were "ok". Awwwwwwwwww..... I love him so much! :) Hope all is well with all of you....

posted by Melis at 11:59 AM | Permalink | 8 comments
Daily Maxine
posted by Melis at 11:53 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
04 January 2006
Welcome to Parenthood! *update*
So let's recap! Saturday afternoon was when she started with the raspy voice/cough. Sat evening I called the Doc, she told me to take her into the ER. We did that... and 5 1/2 hours, a breathing treatment (that she screamed through), chest xrays (that were clear), and a shot later, we came home. I asked them a FEW times if there were going to give her meds to take for the conjustion she had, or if there was an OTC that they wanted me to give her to help her out, and all I got was No, No, No. I was very hopeful that the breathing treatment and/or shot would have helped her out at least SOME. (I'm sure you can see where THIS is going!) No luck! No change in her at all! So we hold out over the long holiday with the tears, sleepless nites, and fighter a fever (the office won't be open until Tuesday).

Finally TUESDAY IS HERE! And now I AM SICK! :( I call first thing in the morning to get her in there, and the earliest they have is 11:45, not first thing, but I'll take it! So I get myself, the older two, and Rach around and ready to go a little after 11 (made sure I got something in Rach for lunch), and we're off! Finally! Someone that will do what they're suppose to do in a more timely fashion! So we get to the doctors office at approx 1135, and we wait..... and we wait.... And Rach is getting restless, but we wait some more. It's about 1215 now, and my son notices a sign on the front of the front desk "Closed for lunch from 1230-130". Oh yeah! And even though they were behind... THEY REALLY ALL WENT AND HAD LUNCH! They were nice enough to put myself, the lil TERRIBLY SICK one, and my two older kids in a little room to finish our wait at about 1255, wasn't that nice of 'em?! So, lunch is over, Doc comes in, I tell her everything that's transpired thus far, AND tell her that I thought the ER docs were STUPID for not even checking out her nose, or conjustion.. She agrees with me, gives me two different scripts for her, and we're off... at about 215. Getting us home at about 230.

Run to get her scripts (which we still don't have insurance for), then the rest of my evening with her goes like this (you'll see a lil OCD come out here).

345 - 101.3 .5 tsp Donatussin, 1 tsp. Motrin
715 - 102.4 .5 tsp Donatussin, .5 tsp Albuterol *called Doc
745 - 101.9
815 - 102.5 to bed
910 - 102.7 was back up appox. 830
1015- 104.2 1 tsp Motrin *called Doc
1055- 104.1 1 tsp Tylnol
1100- cool bath (approx 20 mins), to bed (1125)
1205- 103.2 back up *called doc
110 - 100.9
310 - 102.3
**she slept from about 500-800**
800 - 103.0 .5 Donatussin, 1 tsp Tylnol, 1 tsp Tylnol
915 - 100.6 *called Doc
1130- 98.5 ate a little bit, drank a little bit, laying her down for a nap!

And here's the heart wrenching lil face that I kept staring into through the nite. You can just SEE that she's teribly sick. No, she's not crying.. that's just how "glassy" her poor little eyes are. The first pic is candid (that as opened as her eyes got), the second one I had her look at me, and told her to "open her eyes real big". Just completely RIPS MY HEART OUT!

Hopefully we'll stay on the same track today as this morning, keep the normal temp, keep up with her actually taking her meds for me, and the fluids and eating! Keep your fingers crossed for me!! And now Mommy is going to lay down. Oh yeah! Did I mention not only am I sick (holdin a temp of about 102), no sleep, BUT... that my dear 'ol Aunt Flo decides to stop in for a visit?! Oh yeah! Life just couldn't get better...

posted by Melis at 12:21 PM | Permalink | 8 comments
Daily Maxine - SO FITTING!
posted by Melis at 12:13 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
02 January 2006
One down...
few more promises to go! :) Here's the long awaited Christmas pics. It was really hard to pick and choose just a couple out of all of them that I took, and of course I had to fancy 'em up, too! LOL I hope you enjoy a little peek into our Christmas.

Chelsea & Danny getting their phones
(the ones we returned to the store!)

Rach after just being woke up

Chelsea & Danny opening their boxes of tampons! LOL

Chels finding her treasures inside that box.

Danny singing praises they weren't tampons! LOL

Hubby finding his Palm case.
(the one he thought I couldn't find!)

Rach with her favorite... "Cinderelly"!

Rach & Daddy in her new tent

Another of Rach playin in her tent.
(I just couldn't resist the cuteness of this one!)

So there ya have it! I little peek into our Christmas Day! :) I know that I'll treasure these pics (and all the other ones ya'll didn't get to see) for all eternity! I am truely blessed to have such a wonderful, loving, caring, heathy, just plain fantabulous family!! I love them with every part of me... and then some!!
posted by Melis at 1:38 AM | Permalink | 10 comments